Request: SCP Bryrio Wild Emotions

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The three SCPs looked at each-other with faces that read "the hell did we just see?" Bryan has never been this... eccentric before. Sure he's had emotional episodes before, but not this frequently and not this intense. While Mario went over to try and provide comfort to Bryan, Xylo was busy thinking of why the human's emotions were acting so crazy.

After a few minutes of thinking, the bear smacked his forehead with a grunt which startled the others. And because Bryan's emotions were out of whack, he was down-right terrified.

"W-Why did you d-do that??" Bryan whimpered before going angry. "You stupid bear! I thought we were under attack by something you fat, worthless waste of oxygen and brain cells!"

Xylo would never say it out loud, but that hurt more than it should've. Even Mario, who holds some resentment towards Xylo, admits that was a little harsh. Especially from Bryan. Kayla was just shocked that Bryan actually said that.

"I'm choosing to ignore that," The bear-scientist declared, "Also I might have an idea what's going on right now."

"You know what's making Bryan all cuckoo-crazy?" Kayla asked.

"I'm not being crazy, you're all the ones acting insane!!"

"I think this is the work of the SCP on this floor." Xylo explained, choosing to ignore any and all of Bryan's outbursts until they get to the next floor.

"The one you said was classified 'Safe?' What does that-"

"So you LIED!" Bryan accused, pulling out his laser gun. "You said the SCP on this floor wasn't a hard one, but you just said that to lower our guard, didn't you?! You were going to sacrifice us to save your plush overweight backside, weren't you?!"

"Mario, get the gun..." Xylo whispered before going back to Bryan, "Bryan, put the gun away. I didn't lie-"

"Yeah right! You've done nothing but get us into trouble-"

"So do you!" The male teddy bear interrupted, clearly getting frustrated. "Just shut up and don't speak until I am finished! Understood?"

All of the remaining fight inside of the brunette human left his body when Xylo yelled, leaving him a shaking mess as Mario took the gun out of his hand. Making sure that he will not get interrupted again, Xylo left out a sigh and started explaining again.

"As I was saying...," he said, sending a glare at Bryan which shut him up, "Bryan's emotions are likely out of control because of SCP: The Emotion Mixer."

The scientist bear went on to explain how The Emotion Mixer was a sentient metal sphere which has the power to make a human's emotion go crazy. For example: if you are feeling nervous, the SCP makes you go full-on anxious and paranoid. Unfortunately for Bryan, but fortunately for the rest of them, Emotion Mixer doesn't have any effects on other SCPs.

"Now before you say anything, I've actually worked with the SCP before. Nice guy, just can't turn their abilities on or off at will."

"Then how do we fix Bryan?" Kayla asked, looking over at the brunette with a worried expression.

"Simple really. We just need to get off of this floor and to the next. Emotion Mixer's powers only reach an entire floor but can't reach farther than that."

"Okay? But how do we find the elevator or stairs to the next floor?" Mario said, pointing out the overlooked, but important detail.

When his question was met with silence, the humanoid SCP sighed. Truthfully they didn't need to discuss anything since the whole thing was rinse and repeat for them: get to the next floor, avoid and/or contain the SCP on said floor, then get to the exit. In this case, since the SCP was friendly, they just needed to find Emotion Mixer and ask for directions to the exit.

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