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"Y/n, Y/n wake up!" I heard someone whisper I moved to my other side thinking it was just a dream. "Y/n!" I felt a small figure jump onto me, 

"Ow! Charlie what is it? It's- what time is it?"

"I heard a clatter" 

"Charlie can I go back to sleep please? It's literally midnight."

"No come on! We got to wake up dad!" I groaned as he pushed me off my bed he grabbed my hand and somehow dragged me to dads room. "Stand up Y/n" I groaned and stood up I rested my body on my dads wall and closed my eyes. I was obviously still very tired, how can a eight year old have this much energy at midnight? Jeez I remember when I could stay up for two whole days with no sleep, but that all ended when I went into high school. 

"Dad! Dad!" He grumbled and tried to fall back asleep like me "Dad!"

"W-what Charlie?" 

"I heard a clatter?"

"A What?"

"There! A clatter!"

"Charlie, what are you talkin' about?"

 "You know, 'it came a big noise.' It's coming from outside."

"Charlie, it's just the wind or somethin'."

"Okay, but seriously Charlie I'm tired let's just go back to bed" big pounding foot steps echoed on top of the roof, I shoot up off the wall "Somebody's on the roof." I said,

"Maybe it's Santa." Charlie suggested, 

"Not now, Charlie. Y/n. I want you guys to sit here, and I want you to stay right there."

"Charlie, do you know how to call 911?" I rolled my eyes at my dads ludicrous question,

 "Yeah, 911."

"Yeah. Great. Stay there." He ran out of the room I sat there for a second trying to fully wake up, 

"Like I'm just going to stay here;"

"Come one Y/n!" Charlie practically screamed in my ear; I walked out of dads room I hastily put on a blue shirt and some jeans, I put on my coat and shoes so I won't be cold. I ran down stairs with Charlie, I opened the door the cold air hit my face making me not able to feel my nose.  "You got him dad!" my eyes widened at the figure laying their motionless on the cold snow covered ground. 

"Y/n. Charlie, stay where you are." Me and Charlie made our way down towards dad "Charlie, y/n would you listen to me? Stay up there!"

"It is Santa!"

"You killed him dad." I commented,

"Did not; and he's not Santa."

"Well, he was" Charlie said,

"He's got to have some I.D. on him I bet" he mumbled as he leaned down towards the figure "Fella, if you can hear me, I'm just lookin' for your identification. Once I figure out who ya are, I'll- uh I'll give you a lift back to the mall." He took a card out of the mans front coat pocket, I leaned down to read it with him "If something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do." He scoffed at the words "Yeah, right." He mumbled.

Me and Charlie backed away to look at the roof "Dad come look!" I signaled him to come look at the roof 

"Whoa" Charlie said astonished, Dad made his way to us and looked on the roof;

"What the-" I stood there with my jaw dropped I think I still might be half asleep. Or even dreaming I hit my face a few times and pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming-- Nope this was definitely not a dream. 

Snow Angles - Bernard The Head Elf X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now