Corpse x Deaf! Fem! Reader

Start from the beginning

Is that why everyone was laughing at you?

Yes and No. . .

He looked at me.

Then what was the reason they were all laughing at you?

My voice.

Can I hear it?

Why do you want to hear it?

Because I want to hear your voice myself.

But you'll probably think it's awful.

If only you could hear my voice

What do you mean?

I have a deeper voice than all boys here

Is that a bad thing?

He looks up to see Ms. Brown 'Reading' a book. He looks back at me then towards the paper and writes.

I guess you could say that.

Why is it a bad thing?

He looked at me in silence. I wonder what he's thinking.

Corpse's p.o.v

I looked at her for a while just to admire her. She has H/L H/C hair that perfectly framed her face. She has E/C eyes and
S/C smooth skin. I felt my face getting slightly hotter by the second. She looked at me then towards the teacher then behind her then up towards the clock.

She looks down back at the paper and writes down.

It's almost time for a thing that they call a 'recess' basically Lunch but you can go anywhere. I know a place we can go to relax and have a peaceful time.

I look at her and give her a thumbs up. She smiles and gives one back. She goes back to sketching and I look around the room to see a kinda messy class paper balls on the floor, Sharpie graffiti on the desks, Gum, Cuts on the chairs. The ringing of the bell scared me. I hear muffled and slightly raspy laughter come from beside me. She had her hand covering her face while she was putting everything away with one had.

A lot of the students have already left she picked up her Bag and started walking out the classroom. She then grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the place she wanted to show me. It wasn't that far from the school. The place had a big tree. She let go of my hand and motioned me to follow her. She stops right under the shade of the tree. She sits down and pats the place next to her. She takes out a sheet of paper and placed it on top of a folder she takes out a pencil and starts writing.

Sorry for grabbing your hand all of a sudden.

She passes the folder towards me along with the pencil. I start to write.

It's ok. Hey can I ask you something the same as before?


Can I hear your voice?

Ok. What do you want me to say.

Just something simple.

Ok. But can I feel the vibration of your voice?

I guess so.

She started talking.

"Hel. .lo Jaxthon. . ." (I'm sorry if this was offensive in any way to you guys.) She said that while signing at the same time. I didn't find anything wrong with her voice. I find it cute. She looked at me with a type of sad face. I quickly grab the folder and start writing

[DISCONTINUED] Corpse Husband x Reader One-shots[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now