NYC Girls

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It's the next day and of course I'm woken up from the busy New York traffic and my mom talking loud on the phone in the next room. I check my phone and Aaliyah and Faith are still pressuring me to tell them about what happened last night. I swear these girls act like me and Trin was on a honeymoon or something, I literally just met the man. Speaking of Trin, he sent me a cute text about how he had fun last night and is hoping we can go out again soon. He's just so damn fine ugh!

Just as I was about to get up out of bed and start my day, I can hear my mom footsteps come towards my door. I quickly jump up and run to my bathroom to pretend like I'm busy doing something, In fear of getting yelled at for coming in so late the night before. I hear my doorknob turn... my mom shouts "Pearl come get this food I'm on my way out". I sigh and roll my eyes as I walk towards my mom, I just know she's gonna say something slick. She says "you better fix that attitude, what's wrong with you?". I respond "nothinggg mommy just tired". She smirks and says "I bet you are tired, what's the boys name Pearl?" I look at her wide eyed and with my mouth slightly opened. "Thanks for the food MOM" I say while slowly closing my room door trying to hide my embarrassment.

I plop down on my bed and start munching on my general toso chicken with plain fried rice wondering if I'm going to be stuck in the house today. "Damn, I wish everyday could be like last night" I say to myself. A 3 way call alerts my phone which cheers up my mood a little more, my besties are always around to save the day. Aaliyah shouts "Wake up loserrsss gosh, what's in the air today... everyone seems so down!" I smile in awe at her goofiness. Faith goes on to tell us about her big argument she had with her mysterious boyfriend. She says she doesn't want to tell us about him until she's sure that he's serious. I do think it's kinda sketchy but I respect her privacy. Aaliyah wines "omg guys come on we need another girls night, Faith you're too young and hot to be stressed over a man...and Pearl you need to tell us all about your new mannn!" I roll my eyes and shout "OMG he's not my man...well yet". We all laugh and make jokes still clueless about what we should do today. I chime in and say, "maybe we should have a sleepover, Faith your parents are out of town and plus you need us right now. Being alone when going through heart break is not good for the soul." Aaliyah screams "EXACTLY! let us come support you hun". We could hear Faith trying to hold her tears back through the phone. She outburst "IM NOT HEARTBROKEN... FUCK HIM! I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE".

"we're on our way" me and Aaliyah both say in sync.

I jump up quick to catch my mom before she leaves the house

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I jump up quick to catch my mom before she leaves the house. "Mommy, Faith is having a sleepover can I pleaseee go?!" I beg and plead. She takes a long pause and responds with "of course you can go, just make sure you call me. I need to know your whereabouts at all times... especially since you got a lil boo now." I roll my eyes and give her a whatever look as If It's not true. She gives me a kiss goodbye and heads out. I instantly put my ear to the front door and wait for the elevator ding, that's confirmation that I officially have the house to myself. "YESS! Mission accomplished" I scream as I connect my phone to the bluetooth speaker, clicking on Flo Milli's new album. I go to my closet and look for the cutest 2 piece set, you know the ones that are cute enough to take a picture in and comfortable enough to sleep in...Yeah those.

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