I Thought You Were My Best Friend!

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It's the next day and so far I've been doing well with keeping everything that's happened off my mind. I did some squats, reorganized my room, & even made up with my mom...but yet I still remain on punishment. She demands that I don't leave the house while she does a double at work. I didn't give her any talk back but in that moment I wanted to pack a bag and run, just to get a few more moments of freedom. 

I walk around the house bored as ever, trying to entertain myself. I was tired of listening to the same music, tired of watching the same TV shows, and tired of feeling lonely. Feeling defeated... I decided to take a nap, its what I do best after all. I plop on my bed stomach first and let the breeze from the fan hit my thighs, putting me in a relaxing mood. 

As soon as I feel my eyes getting low I hear loud knocking at my front door. I jump up confused and aggravated to see who could it possibly be since people hardly ever show up to my house. 


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As I slow walk to the door I hear bickering coming from the other side of it. I hesitantly look through the peep hole to see Aaliyah & Faith standing there nervously, eager for me to open up. 

"What do you two losers want" I say nonchalantly while cracking the door slightly

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"What do you two losers want" I say nonchalantly while cracking the door slightly. Aaliyah takes a deep breath in and mumbles "We came here so that we can talk about what happened the other morning...when you stormed out". I roll my eyes and reply "Which I had every right to do, besides I'm on punishment so yall can't come in". Faith interrupts, "Oh please, we saw your mom leave out 30 mins ago, just let us in already. I need to tell you something, that I've been hiding from you". I close the door shut and stood there for a few seconds thinking about the amazing nap I could be taking instead of dealing with this drama, but after all I do want to know what these two have been hiding. Just before they were about to walk off I give in & open the door to let them in. "Make it quick" I say, acting uninterested. 

They stand there with their guilty sad faces in silence, Aaliyah nudges Faith & whispers "well go on

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They stand there with their guilty sad faces in silence, Aaliyah nudges Faith & whispers "well go on...tell her" Faith snaps at her back saying "Shutup I'm thinking!" Aaliyah plops on the couch shouting back "you had 2 days to think!"   

"Get out" I say while pointing to the door. After all these years of us being friends you would think secrets would be forbidden but clearly I thought wrong. Besides I'm tired of their annoying arguing. Faith grabs my arm leading me away from the door and over to the couch to sit down. She looks at me and goes "Well you know how we all agreed on our girl code...I think I might've broke the code."   

"continue" I say as my heart beats uncontrollably.

Faith mumbles, "Well I'm sorta...kinda...I'm dating... your uncle Ronny. 

My eyes grow wide and my frown turns into a smile as I start laughing at what I just heard. I mean don't get me wrong... no dating each other family members is apart of the code but I would never stop being friends with them over that.     

 Aaliyah & Faith stare at me confusingly as I try to calm down my laughter. "Seriously, that's the big secret?" I say in a goofy tone. "Whew, finally that's over" Aaliyah says as she gets up to go dig in my fridge. I pull Faith in for a hug to break the awkwardness between us, making her crack a big smile. "As long as you tell me every juicy detail about how it started, then its fine with me" I say in a nosey manner. We all laugh while the feeling of relief filled the room. 


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Aaliyah clears her throat obnoxiously and says "speaking of details, you need to tell us about you & your boo Trin".                                                                                                                                              Hearing his name brought butterflies to my stomach. I brush it off and reply "He's a non factor, lets not speak of him anymore thanks girlies".  Faith jumps up and whines "But you guys are soooo cute together, what happened. Give us every detail!".   

"I saw a hickey on his neck so now he's getting ghosted, simple".  I replied. 

 Aaliyah rolls her eyes at me and I already know what she's going to say. "Girl you sure you not overreacting?" Aaliyah says mockingly.     "Trust me, I know a hickey when I see one. Now enough about him, I have to find a way to get off punishment."

My besties decide to stay with me while my mom does her overnight shift. Even though all we did was watch tv, eat, & sleep, being with friends makes it more enjoyable. While all 3 of us somehow manage to fit on my bed in weird positions, Aaliyah jumps up and starts pulling the covers off us saying she's tired of sitting in the house. I pay her no mind because I'm not taking any chances on getting in trouble again. Faith joins in with her, leaving me no choice but to fight back with the big fuzzy pillows. "STAWPPP IT" I say while frowning. "Come on Pearl, just sneak out with us, besides your mom will be home in the morning...you have plenty of time to have a little more fun". Aaliyah says convincingly.  I roll my eyes at her as I think about if I want to take this risk or not. 


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