Chapter 20

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I run threw the doors into the great hall and see Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting in their usual space on the long Gryffindor table, me eyes  are still bloodshot and tears flowing down my eyes, I can't see Draco or Daphne anywhere, that's  a good thing because if I do see Draco, there's no telling my tears will end.

"Oh my gosh Bryn" Harry says concerned, he opens his arms and I fall into them, crying into his chest not caring who's looking at me, "what happened Bryn" Harry says quietly.
"P-Pansy she-" I show my arm and they all gasp at the sight of my bloody arm.
Hermione does a spell to bandage my arm up, yet again, my arms in a bandage.
I put my head in my hands, thinking back to Pansy saying "Dracos not here to save you", I never thought I would admit it but, I miss him, I miss him so much, I miss his protective self that would look out for me but I would decline, thinking I was strong without him, but I'm not.

I put my head in my hands and my eyes just start to water, Harry leans over and puts his arm over me, I don't have the strength to move...I just cry in pain.

"B-bryn" Hermione whispers, I look up at her, my bloodshot eyes burning from the light, she nods over to the door, I look over and see Draco staring straight at me, I didn't realise how close me and Harry where, he's got his arms wrapped around me and I'm leaning into him crying.
Draco makes eye contact with me and shakes his head lightly and walks out the great hall.
This Isnt what it looks like.
"Draco!...Draco no this isn't-"
I jump up, my legs are shaking like jelly.
I can't loose him again.
I'm running towards Draco, but yet he's faster, "Draco! Please! Wait!" I shout.
He suddenly stops in his tracks and whips round at me.
"Potter?! Really?! S-so I'm not enough for you so of course you go to the chosen one!" He yells.
"Well quite frankly Draco you where very friendly with Daphne WHILE we where together " I yell back and walk closer to him, he sees my bloodshot eyes and his eyes soften slightly.
"Why do you even care?! Your with Daphne!" I yell "you have Daphne to keep you VERY company draco!"
"It's not like that" he talks sternly
"If it's not what it looks like then why didn't you fight for me draco?! Why did you fight for us? If it's apparently what you ClAIM that it's not what it looks like!" My voice lowers " you haven't spoken to me for months Draco...why do you suddenly want me now? Why did you fight earlier? Why do you care im with potter?" I yell.
"Because I'm trying to protect you!" He yells and pulls up his sleeve to reveal, my biggest fear
The dark mark.

"W-what?" I mutter understand my breath and slowly back away..." Bryn I was trying so hard to protect you, this is why!...I'm not even with Daphne! I don't even like her!" He yells
I'm overwhelmed with the sense of fear,confusion and sadness.
"Bryn...I had no choice, they want me to live up to my father." He says in a  token voice.
"I-...I don't need your protection" I say standing my ground.
"Of course you don't" he sighs "because you have saint potter to protect you" he raises his voice.
"I protect myself! I don't need yours or potters protection!" I yell.
He stares at me, he starts to tense up, his fists clench, his shoulders rise.
Before I even blink or can get another word out,he's gone, and I know exactly where he's going...

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