Chapter 19

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"I'll meet you guys in the great hall, I'm just finishing packing up, you guys go." I say to Harry and Hermione.
They nod and walk out of charms.
I'm left packing my book away but then someone grabs the book out my hand.
"So, I heard you and Draco parted" a familiar voice says from behind.
I turn around and see Pansy.
My heart jumps beats and I start to silently panic form what she done before, I'm petrified of her.
"What do you want Pansy" I say
"Oh, nothing particular." ⚠️ She then grabs my arm, the same arm she tortured. She slips up my sleeve and sees what she carved into my arm 'unwanted' It has now scabbed up, I look away and try and get my arm out her grip and she somehow is stronger.
"Awh haven't got your protector Draco to save you now have you?" She pouts.
"Get off me Pansy" i spit
She squeezes my arm tightly and my eyes fill with tears from the pain, she digs her nails into my arm and draws more blood.
"Wish Draco would come save you now hey?" She laughs and let's go do my arm and walks out the room.
I grab my arm in pain and tears flow out my eyes, I grab my book and shove it into my bag and run to the great hall to meet Hermione, Harry and Ron.

Sooooo I've prepared for the next couple of chapters and they are, very exciting, I'm posting everyday so stay tuned for the next chapterssss 😊

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