Chapter 14

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"Draco, you found me" Pansy smiles
My eyes are filled with tears as I look at Bryn.
"Your crazy pansy" I look at her furiously.
"You are mine Draco" she says leaning against the bookshelf with blood coming from her nose.
"I'm not yours, I will never be yours you crazy bitch!" I yell and pull my wand out and point it to her.

"D-Draco" Bryn stutters
I turn to her, she's a mess, her eye makeup  halfway down her face,her beautiful hair now spread across the floor and her arm bleeds even more onto the black wooden floor.
"Don't Draco" her voice is strained from her screaming.

No matter what anyone does to hurt her, she still finds a way to be kind to others. And it pains me.

I run to her side and look to her arm
'Unwanted' sliced into her arm, blood still pouring out, she looks weak, but she's strong.
I say a spell to stop the blood but it still looks painful, I pick her up and carry her weak body in my arms, she looks pale from loss of blood, I walk quickly to my dorm.
I lock the door from the twats coming into the dorm, I lay her on my bed, I check if she's still breathing, luckily she is, I put her into my bed and cover her and let her rest, I say a spell to heal some of the wounds on her head and bandage her arm up, I hate to see her in pain and there's nothing I can do, I should have gotten there sooner
to save her .

My eyes flutter open, almost forgetting what happened but as soon as I feel it it all comes flooding back, I lay there looking at my bandaged arm for a couple minutes, I look around the room and don't recognise where I am, I look to the wall and see Dracos Quidditch jumper, I let out a breath in relief.
After a couple moments looking at my arm in a bandage,not wanting to look and see what's under it, There's a light knock at the door.
Draco opens the door slowly and realises I'm awake "hey" he whispers softly "I got you something to drink, you have to build up your strength again." He passes me the water and I thank him, it's still dark outside, just a small lamp on in the room.
"You can sleep here tonight, I'll sleep in the common room-"
"N-no" I stutter
"You don't need to sleep in the common room"
"Well I guess I can sleep in Goyles bed." He shrugs and walks over to the bed.
"Draco" I add
He looks over at me in confusion
I pat the space next to me and signal him to come over. He lightly laughs and walks over and sits on the bed, he leans back onto the bed board, I pull the covers and lean my head on his chest.
I can hear every heartbeat and it gives me comfort.

"I'm so sorry" Draco speaks quietly.
"For what?" I look up at him, my head still leaning against his chest.
"For not getting to you in time, for not almost saving you sooner." His eyes get glossy and go bloodshot.
"Draco, it wasn't your fault, it was mine I should have been more careful when Pansy gave me that drink" I sigh.
I feel Draco move down the bed and wrap his arm around me, my head lays on his chest, his arms around my body,I pull the covers closer and wrap my arms around his chest. We lay there for a long time talking about happy memories to cheer the mood, laughing at how Goyle and Crabbe will have no where to sleep tonight.
I feel draco move his hand in his pocket and pull out a small box.
"Bryn, when I left you tonight I was going to get this." He opens the little box and moves up the bed, I sit up and look at him.
"I wanted to ask you a question tonight, at the ball, at the right time, but as oddly as it seems, I feel now is a good time" he laughs and I join him.
"Bryn, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, my heart starts beating fast and wash of excitement comes over me, I jump forward and wrap my arms around his neck, he's not really the one for affection but I still do it anyway, he laughs at my reaction, I lean backwards  with my arms still around his neck
"Yes, I will " I smile, he smiles back at me and throws his arms around my body and playfully lays on top of me with his arms tightly wrapped around me, I laughs and he smiles against my chest.
"As badly as this night has become, this is my favourite part." He laughs
He leans over to the table beside the bed and grabs  the necklace out the box, he sits up and puts it around my neck.
He playfully lays back down on top of me "Draco I can barely breath" I say laughing
"Well I'm not moving" he says, his voice muffled from the covers lightly laughing.
I lean to turn the light off and wrap my arms around his body even though I can barely breath with him laying on top of me like this, but I don't mind because this is the happiest I have been in a long time.

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