Agent Madness combat 2

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In Madness combat 2 their are some characters that are slightly stronger than the grunts. They are called 1337 agents and are dressed like any other secret service agent in real life besides the shades, guns and higher rank in power. Agents, also known collectively as the 1337 crew, make up the rank-and-file combatants of the A.A.H.W. First appearing in Madness Apotheosis, they are higher-ranking soldiers trained to stop Hank and they can assume many roles in fight: melee fight, gun fighter and heavy gunner; however, they are often killed as easily as grunts, largely replacing them as the primary cannon fodder of the series. The agents attire is based off that of the Smith agents from the movie The Matrix, including suits, ties and distinctive sunglasses. Also when Krinkels was asked where the idea of the agents came from he replied" Literally the matrix". 

Appearance: Madness Combat 4

The 1337 agents made their debut with one agent appeared in Madness Apotheosis along with a recruitment poster in the background. The agents showed obvious improvements over the grunts being able to hold up Hank notably longer. He also appeared to command grunts, giving one a queue to approach hank. However, the agent was still silenced when he was impaled in the throat with a baton. The agent later returned as a zombie, using an G36 to successfully shoot hank. However, hank survived and sliced the 1337 zombie agent face in half with the dragon sword.

Madness Combat 5:

1337 agents also appear in madness deception, but in greater numbers, replacing grunts as the main enemy type. Most of these agents were armed with black desert eagles. Despite their numbers, they proved to be no match for hank and were slaughter just as easily as grunts. Eight 1337 agents are turned into zombies by Jesus, but they were killed fairly easily.

Madness Combat 6.5: 1337 red shade agents

The agents that appeared in the episode with A.T.P engineers. It was revealed that the crew got their tinted shades through an upgrade from the auditor, which also slightly enhanced their strength and agility. Despite their upgrade, Sanford and Deimos were easily able to kill them.   

Madness Combat 7:

In Madness Consternation, the agents wore solid red sunglasses instead of red-tinted ones. Also, two members who were apparently rebellious or incompetent were shown stabbed to walls with spikes in two parts of episode. The crew seemed to be led by a mysterious shadow figure seen at the episode. They are the second possibly promotion from agents. A TV screen shown the qualities 1337 agents have over grunts includes commitment, devotion, and sacrifice.

Madness Combat 10: Possessed 1337 agents

The crew return to fight hank and sanford. They assisted the Auditor as he confronted the protagonist though they were no match for the magnified hank and the agile sanford. One of them managed to stab hank head with a Bowie knife, but without much effect. In this episode, two agents were successfully resurrected by the auditor spell giving them significantly enhanced fighting ability. In addition to corpses, several living agents were absorbed by the auditor in order to heal his wounds and enhanced his power. These agents were able to take multiple its to the body and head and had much faster reflexes than normal agents. For instance, the first resurrected agent managed to dodge hank sword swings and land a few punches on him. Like Jesus, they also had bloodshot eyes, which were partially hidden behind their shades that turned dark grey during the resurrection process. Sanford managed to interrupt a resurrection by destroying the body with a Mossberg 500 before the process was complete.

Dissenter: Crimson shade agents

Two agents with crimson tinted shades appear in this short, both of them are on the unknown building raid. Both agents got killed by A.T.P soldats that fired a rocket at them.

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