Mag agents Madness combat

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In the Madness combat universe their are larger units that are seen in the series and they are called the mag agents and their are many versions of them and each one is different from the rest. Mag agents are A.A.H.W members who have been magnified to about 2 and a half times their regular size. It was shown in madness combat 9: Aggregation that the agent magnificent chamber can not only magnify agents but also can resurrect dead bodies. Mag may be short term for magnified, suggesting the gargantuan size that the agents appear as.

Mag agent torture:

Mag agent torture appearance in Madness Consternation marked the debut of the mag agents. He resembles a gigantic I33t agent but with the large stakes piercing his head in an x formation. His glasses are similar to the glasses I33t agents wore in madness combat 6. Though he died from a grunt/civilian using a grenade launcher to his head while trying to remove the explosive until the beeping sound went off and thus blowing up his head and leaving his body and the giant stakes on the floor.

Mag agent V2:

The mag agent V2 is the second version of the mag agent. Two mag agent V2 appears standing next to the auditor at the end of Madness Consternation. In the following episode, these mag agents fought Jesus, but were both defeated relatively quickly. 

Mag agent V3:

The mag agent V3 is the unfinished version of the mag agent. He wears a mask that resembles a duck bill in order to breathe. The auditor awakens him presumably through the same powers he used to enhance the two A.T.P engineers. However, despite this enhancement, the mag agent was defeated by the magnified hank.  

Mag agent V4:

The mag agent V4 is the latest version of the mag agent to appear in the cannon animation. They wear black suits like those of normal size agents but instead of sun glasses, they have large red visor covering most of their faces. Two of them were seen in Madness Abrogation, both of which were killed by hank. 

Mag agent V5:

The mag agent V5 was only seen in the non cannon episode Incident 110A. Unlike the other mag agents, the mag agent V5 was heavily armored, making him immune to gunfire. Jesus manages to knock off part of his armor before slicing his head in half and finally killing him by tearing his brain out.

Mag skeleton:

The mag skeleton appeared in Madness combat 11: Expurgation. It had a mask similar to that of tricky's. Hank manages to rip off its mask and punch it back into a white pillar, causing all sorts of chaos.

Mag agent: N

Mag agent N is a type of mag agent exclusive to the game Madness: Project Nexus. He is the final boss of episode 1 in story mode. He wears a suit similar to that of agents but with darker, visible lapels. On his face, he wears bi-tech goggles and a gas mask.

Mag agent: Gestalt

Mag agent: Gestalt is a quasi boss in episode 1.5 of the Madness project Nexus story mode. He is an armored, magnified version of the abomination. Rather than using weapons, gestalt attacks his foes by slamming them.

Madness combat Project Nexus 2 Mag bandit:

The Mag bandit is a mag affiliated with the nexus city outskirts bandits. He is the boss in the stage road to Nexus city, where the fight hank at the gates of nexus city industrial sector before slamming himself against the gates in a rage, opening them.

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