Tricky Madness Combat(enemy)

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Tricky the clown is a recurring character in the Madness Combat series. He started out as a assassin hired by the sheriff and later became the primary antagonist of the Tricky saga. Up until the end of Madness Combat 7: Consternation, tricky used the power of the Improbability Drive in order to revive repeatedly, run and jump at extremely high speeds and gains superhuman hand-to hand fighting skills which allowed him to render the mightiest of enemies helpless. He has been killed eleven times(8 times by Hank, once by Jesus, once by Sanford and once by himself), has been resurrected as a zombie once after being pinned by the marshmallow by a street sign and possess the ability to warp the fabric of reality. Tricky has killed four different characters in the series. As Krinkels was asked what the inspiration for Tricky was, he said that Tricky was a old meme on new-grounds, then Krinkels asked himself what if Tricky was an super killer psychotic clown and he ended up taking that concept.


Tricky's control of the improbability drive seems to have made him insane , or at least more twisted than he was originally. Starting off as an assassin, Tricky's mind became more and more warped as he drew more power from the Improbability drive, leading him to become more vicious, malevolent, power-hungry, and powerful foe. He seems to like music and sometimes serves as a DJ. He also seems to "play" with hank, reviving him when he died(and then murdering him again) several times throughout the Tricky arc, showing an extremely sadistic and vengeful way of thinking. He also armed hank once during madness combat 6 and never fought him when unarmed, presumably finding more "sporting".  As of Madness Combat 11, it can be gathered through his seeming desperation at losing the halo that Tricky has become dependent on having power and improbability on his side, as without it he appears noticeably weaker and frantically seeks to reclaim it.It may also be that the halo, like the improbability drive, is necessary for Tricky's continued survival. Tricky more playful side of tormenting his foes is shown as well, evidenced by him tapping Sanford on the shoulder from behind. Tricky also shown a playful type of guy since toying with Hank and seemingly play with Auditor.

Classification: Zombie clown, DJ, Train conductor

Powers and abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and durability, master in martial arts, weapon mastery, Reality warping, resurrection, Probability manipulation, flight, transformation, immortality( type 2,4,7 and 8), telekinesis, summoning and creation( can summon buildings with several agents inside of them), Empowerment(Nevada resident can become stronger under the influence of fear/anger, and gain an even larger state boost when ecstatic), Resistance to absorption(Killed the auditor when he absorbed tricky dead body due to the energies his body contains), fear manipulation(fear does not motivate Nevada denizens), BFR, and soul manipulation(Even after the portable improbability drive, which was solely responsible for making tricky unable to be sent to Hell, was destroyed, he still wasn't entirely sent to Hell), all previous abilities except flight, fire manipulation.


Madness Combat 2:

Tricky debuted in Madness Redeemer, but showed no significant abilities over other grunts. Wielding an M16 with a grenade launcher attachment, he attached hank in a large room with a squad of three grunts. Hank quickly dispatched the squad while dodging Tricky's shots, eventually stealing the M16 and killing him with his own rifle.

Madness Combat 3:

Tricky first appeared after the Improbability Drive was activated, weilding an M60 and a wearing a jet pack. He fired at Hank, but Hank uses a grunt as a meat shield and block the oncoming bullets. After failing to kill Hank with machine gun, Tricky kicks Hank out of the building and onto the street of the bakery. After hank dispatches several grunts, Tricky re-confronts Hank with a scimitar, only to be impaled onto a giant marshmallow with a street sign. However, a bolt of energy struck tricky corpse after hank left, reviving him as a zombie. Tricky pulls the street sign out of his body and assaulted hank again in a sealed off chamber. Although his zombie body seemed more resilient to bullets, Hank was able to kill him again with a dessert eagle after taking away his street sign.

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