Jesus Madness Combat( enemy)

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Jesus Christ the savior, also known as Jebus and affectionally Jeb, is a major character in the Madness Combat series. He serves as the main antagonist against hank in the first five episodes of the series and as the protagonist in Madness Inundation, Incident 110A, Incident 111A and for a segment of Incident 1000A. Jesus has been killed 5 times in the cannon( 3 times by hank, once by tricky, and for the last time during the upstart of the normality restoration). He has killed over 248 people in the series. Jesus is a boss enemy in the story mode of Madness Interactive. In Madness Project Nexus, he is an mercenary in Arena Combat Mode. He is the playable character Dr. Christoff in the story mode.  

Powers and abilities:

Jesus is a master of gunfire and swordsmanship, and while seemingly less agile than hank, he has a number of supernatural abilities that makes him an especially dangerous opponent. Many of these supernatural powers comes from the halo on the top of his head. His most infamous power in the series is the ability to resurrect the dead. Up until Madness Depredation, he would often resurrect hank's victims into zombies, in order to fight hank. Although they do not possess better fighting skills, they are much more resistant to attacks than they are normally. In the first episode, he has the ability to spawn a cross-shaped magic shield that can block bullets. In Madness Combat Depredation,it is more of a transparent, smaller circular shield generated from his hand. In Madness Inundation, he uses a different type of magic shield: a red energy field that can capture oncoming bullets, then push them back at the source. The poisoning the Auditor put in Jesus made his shields become smaller over time, which made the shields go from about the size of his body to slightly smaller than his head. The poisoning also made the shields increasingly opaque. In Incident 110A, bullets would be immediately deflected off the red shield. In Incident 1000A, he uses the ability to catch and push back bullets, but no shield is shown. Another of his abilities is his ability to dissolve his enemies by casting a red beam either from his hands or eyes, and upon being hit by the beam, a person will disintegrated. He has shown to be able to kill at least two people at the same time with this attack. Episode 1.5 of the Madness: Project Nexus story, Dr. Chrisoff gains the ability to fire Nexus bolts, which could disintegrate a weaker opponent. He can also release slam attacks in a similar manner, which would knock back and injure close by foes. Jesus is also shown to have incredible muscular strength. In Madness Inundation, he is able to lift and throw large, heavy crates at enemies without strain. Jesus is the only character who has been seen wielding and firing an assault rifle with one hand without suffering from a bad performance though the high recoil. Krinkels stated himself that Sanford could only property control a Bren gun because of the bipod, while Jesus probably would have duel wield them. Additionally, Jesus has the ability to spawn certain weapons. In the first episode, Jesus summoned a cannon from thin air to use against hank. Since Madness Apotheosis, this power became limited to his signature binary sword, which appeared from behind his back.In both Madness Depredation and Madness Inundation, he summoned his sword from his hand. The last supernatural power he displays is the ability to use telekinesis and levition. Since Madness Interactive and Madness Avenger, he was shown to be able to float in midair. In earlier episodes, Jesus telekinetic powers was shown to be reliant on a lighting like beam from his hands. In Madness Depredation, he used three beams to push back hank and to retrieve his sword from a distance. In Madness Inundation, he continued to display his telekinetic power, only now lacking the lightning based beam. He used this power to throw crates, rip apart agents, and smash enemies into walls. In Incident: 110A and Incident: 1000A, he also used it to fire guns without physically holding them, although a little less accurately.


Madness Combat 1:

Jesus first appearance was in the first episode. He looked like an ordinary Madness character with a goatee, long hair and a halo. During Hank's massacre, Jesus confronted him. He was much more formidable than the other people hank fought earlier. He revived two people to fight hank, but they were quickly killed again. He then summoned a cannon to fire at his foe, but was killed by hank when he let his guard down.

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