7th Chapter

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- My brave nephew Ahmed, I am so proud on you for ascending the throne. I am sure you are going to be one of the greatest Padişahs ever. - I said as I smiled to my nephew Ahmed.

I went to his chambers because I wanted to visit him and talk with him about my divorce. I couldn't stand being with Yavuz Ali-paşa for a day more and this was the only thing I was able to do it.

- Thank you, Ismihan. I am glad I have you by my side. - Ahmed said as he replied to me with a smile.

I sat together on his throne and I was ready to start talking with him about my divortion, but then he started talking.

- Aunt, I want to ask you for a opinion about something. - Ahmed said as he looked at me.

- Of course, tell me about what it is. - I said to him.

- Sometimes I can't sleep. I live in fear. What if someone will want to remove me from throne, and put my brother Mustafa on the throne? I am always thinking if I did right decision when I decided to forgive him and didn't kill him. - he said to me and I could see he is really confused what he should do.

- Ahmed, you shouldn't worry. You just have to punish those who are against you. You are only Padişah of this Empire, and no one can do anything against it. - I said to him and stopped at a second.

- But I think you did right thing when you saved Mustafa. He is still a child, its not Mustafa's mistake that some people want him on the throne. At the end, you don't have any heir now. You saved Ottoman Dynasty by keeping him alive. - I said to him as I touched his hand. I said what I thought, because Mustafa had to be alive. If something bad would happen to Ahmed, then it would come to an end of the Ottoman Dynasty.

- Fortune-teller came to me few days ago. She told me one day Mustafa will ascend the throne, and I am scared of that. What if they want to kill me and put Mustafa on the throne? - he asked me as he was really scared of those things.

 What if they want to kill me and put Mustafa on the throne? - he asked me as he was really scared of those things

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- Who knows if she is real fortune teller? You shouldn't care about her words. You are our only ruler, and no one can change that. I will personaly fight whoever wants to think any other way. - I said to him.

- Thank you, aunt. I am glad that you are on my side. - he said and gave me a big smile.

- I will be always by your side, Ahmed. You did the right decision. One day, your children will be thankful to you because they won't have to kill eachother, because you gave us new orders. That will save thousands of innocent Princes who maybe would have been senteced to death, and only because they weren't the eldest brother. - I said to him as I squeezed his hand.

- When I saw my father killed twenty seven of my brothers, I promised myself that I would never do that. - he said.

- You did right decision. You don't know how it was hard for me to look at twenty seven little coffins going out of Palace. They were all my brothers. - I said to him and sighed, because memories took all over me.

- But my mother is always complaining to me about that. She wants me to kill Mustafa. And to send Halime to Old Palace. - he said to me with worry in his eyes.

- I don't want to mix in your relationship with your mother, but she is wrong this time. If you would ever want to change your opinion, you should do it when you have healthy sons who could ascend the throne. But I think you shouldnt change your opinion. Mustafa is still an innocent child. And your mother blames Halime, they never got along, but would you really want young Mustafa to separate him from his mother? - I asked him as I looked at him sadly.

- But Halime Sultana is ready to do whatever to defend Mustafa. - Ahmed said to me.

- Every mother is ready to do anything to defend her children. Maybe Halime did bad things, but she lives in fear everyday if you would change your opinion. She already lost Mahmud, don't let her lose Mustafa. - I said to him trying to comfort him everything is fine. I had good relations with Halime and thats why I defended her, but at the end Mustafa's life was most important. If Halime wouldnt be here, I am sure Handan would kill Mustafa.

- You are right, aunt. Is there something you wanted to talk with me? - he asked me and changed his mood then.

- I wanted to talk to you about my husband, Yavuz Ali-paşa. - I said to him and sighed. I was afraid if he wouldnt let me divorce from him.

- Oh, my mother already told me that you wished to be with him in Palace I gave him. You can go to him whenever you want. - he said and gave me a smile. Stupid Handan, she again made false stories to her son. And she had huge influence over him.

- It is not like your mother said, Hunkarim. I came here because I didn't want to be with him. - I said and looked at the floor to show him how sad I am because of that marriage.

- Why? Is there something bad between you two? - he asked me surprisedly.

- I wanted to ask you to allow me to divorce from him. I want to return to live in Istanbul. I couldn't stand any more day in Egypt. - I looked at him sadly.

- Ismihan, why? Is there something bad in your relationship? Has he been treating you bad? He is my Grand Vizier. - Ahmed said to me.

- Hunkarim, I don't know how to say you that... - I started to say and I started crying on purpose. I did it only for him to allow me to divorce.

- Tell me, you are most important. You have to tell me everything. - he said as he putted his hand on my shoulder.

- Hunkarim, he drinks every day. He has many of lovers, which he bought many houses and he gives all money to them. When he comes at home drunk, he starts beating me. I can't stand that anymore, I don't have any will to live if my life is going to be like this. - I said to him while I was crying.

- What? How he would allow to do that? You are a Sultana, he can't have any wife besides you. - Ahmed said as he was shocked by my words.

- Hunkarim, he is a traitor also. He took bribes and thus placed his people in high positions. He increased taxes in Egypt. He told you they stole part of our treasury, but that's not true. He himself spent it all on his wives. - I said to him as I couldn't stop crying.

- Ismihan, I allow you to divorce from him. He will get punished tommorow. - Ahmed said as he took my hand into his.

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