Motherly or Lovingly, You're Mine

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Hello everyone! I wanted to apologize for the long wait, almost a year, between chapters! 2020 has definitely been a year to remember, and not always for good reasons. I hope everyone is safe and healthy this holiday season. In such a crazy time, I hope these updates bring a bit of light back into your life! Thank you so much to everyone for the reviews and kind words. I've been lucky so far that COVID has only affected my work for the next few weeks as Alberta locks down to contain cases, but that also means I have this time to give you all the chapters you've been so patiently waiting for.

This chapter's a bit of whirlwind, but I'm sure you can handle it; after all, you have been asking for it! Thank you again for your patience and support. Happy Holidays to each and every one of my wonderful readers!


Iris hummed happily as she took a bite of the carefully prepared lasagna. Luke smiled from his place across the table, watching as she took her first bite before even starting on his. When he'd first pulled off the foil covered the dish, he hadn't known what he was looking at—all he could see was red sauce. The word 'meatloaf' had been on the tip of his tongue before Iris peeked around his shoulder and chirped 'oh! I haven't had lasagna in forever!', offering to help him set things while he put it in the oven.

Glad to have dodged the moment of embarrassment, he gladly handed the plates and utensils to Iris.

"So I'm assuming Patricia does most of the cooking?" She cut her section of lasagna carefully, trying to keep the layers from separating as she ate.

Luke hummed for a moment in consideration. "I wouldn't say the most. A few of the others love to cook, like how Felicia is with her make-up and Barry is with his sketches. Don't tell them, but I'd say-" he stopped just shy of speaking the name, knowing that he and Iris hadn't met yet and didn't know if he should say it.

The small woman seemed to understand the reason for his pause and smiled in assurance. "You can say names. I already know Jade and Hedwig, haven't met them yet. They may be soulmates I've yet to meet, but that doesn't mean you can't bring them up. Just gives me something to know about them in advance." She took another bite as Luke sighed in relief.

"Heinrich," he finished. "I'd say Heinrich cooks the best. Honestly, he should be the one on grocery detail; the guy uses most of the food anyway."

Iris smiled as she listened to him, loving how he spoke of the other alters affectionately. Like family. "What's your favourite dish?" she inquired. "I mean overall, not just cooked by Heinrich." Saying the name made her tongue feel thick, as it did whenever she said the name of someone she was yet to meet. Originally, she wasn't sure if she should speak with one of her soulmates about another, but so long as they didn't mind bringing them up she would be happy to continue the conversation.

Luke sat back as he chewed, looking off to the side wall as he pondered. "That's a hard one."

She knew it, too. Whenever someone asked her what he favourite thing was—book, movie, pastime—she always had trouble answering. "How about....what dish are you craving lately?"

The look that came to his face was almost dreamy, and Iris knew he was playing it up for her. "Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo." Iris made a soft sound of agreement, remembering the last time she had made some for herself when she'd had a day off and a fresh batch of groceries. "Yours?"

"Can't say a favourite, but I've been craving a pulled-pork sandwich," she admitted, getting a surprised look from Luke. Clearly that wasn't what he had been expecting. The look made her giggle, covering the bite of food she had just eaten. Once she finished chewing, she elaborated, "I had one at the little deli restaurant some years back called Sweet Meats. They ended up moving to a new location, bit too far for a cab ride, so I haven't had it in a while. But their sandwiches were to die for. It's not often I get takeout, but they were definitely one I went for quite often."

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