What more he could want? His life should be smooth. Except, it was far from that.

Jungkook, the perfect golden maknae of his hyungs, who excelled in everything he did, had one teeny-tiny problem. He was an introvert. Well, being an introvert wasn't a problem at all. Definitely not. But his hyungs called him the king of introverts.

He was extremely shy and spoke only if necessary. His childhood friend Taehyung and his hyung Yoongi were the only ones he was comfortable with. That was only because he grew up with them. Taehyung went to school with him and Yoongi was the only son of his foster parents. When Yoongi moved to Seoul for work, Taehyung and Jungkook followed.

Jungkook often faced criticism for his silent nature. People tried to befriend him initially, but they all gave up at one point and never bothered with him to put up with his stuttering. Oh, right. Jungkook stuttered when he was nervous, which was 24/7. PeriodT.

Okay. 24/7 was exaggerating. He got nervous when all the attention in the room was focused on him. Otherwise, he had no trouble speaking whatsoever.

Now, where were we? Yeah, Jungkook was questioning his existence. As he lounged in one of the bar stools in the club, nursing his first drink for the night, he took a trip down his memory lane, cursing every single thing he did wrongly.

It wasn't that Jungkook doesn't want to be around people. He just didn't know-how. If it wasn't for his mind-blowing portfolio or the grades, he wouldn't have even landed this job. Because he was sure he almost passed out by the end of the interview session. Yoongi, who was the head of the marketing in the firm put in a word with the head of his department, which helped. And Jungkook didn't disappoint. He worked hard to become the best performer within a month and after two years, people stopped competing with him for the first place. He was that good.

So what could even be his problem?

Right. The Annual Christmas Gala.

Every year, the Park Corporation held a massive gala for its employees. A day before the holidays started, they hosted a party where people could mingle and have fun. With multiple games and prizes, it was very famous. But there was only one problem. The party required him to attend with a plus one. Last year, he went with Taehyung. Yoongi accompanied someone else from his department.

This year shouldn't have been a problem, except Taehyung was now dating Yoongi and hence Jungkook has to look for a date to bring to the party. It shouldn't be a problem, right? Right? Right.

Except he did something very bad. You see, Jungkook's colleagues often made fun of him for being closed off. They took a dig at his non-existent social life. Jungkook shouldn't blame them. Because he was the cause of his misery.

His brain to mouth filter stopped working when he drank. He talked a lot while he was intoxicated. And his alcohol tolerance was shit. That night at the party one year ago, he was sad he didn't have a date. Just one bottle of beer later, Jungkook had sadly blurted out that he was a virgin and he hasn't even had his first kiss yet. In his defense, the guys in his team asked him about his relationships first.

Anyway, his life became miserable after that. They teased him so much that eventually, it became borderline harassment of hateful words. Because, yeah he had told them he was gay too.

So, when the guys mocked him again for being a lonely ass this morning, he had lost his temperament and claimed that he had a boyfriend. Once again, in his defense, he was stuck in a project for over a week and the client was being an ass. So, he lost his shit.

Now, he had to bring a date. Jungkook, a person with only two friends and practically non-existent social life outside his home or office, how was he supposed to find a date in three weeks?

Euphoria | Jikook [COMPLETED] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now