7 missed calls; 4 text messages

"I gotta run. BYE LOVE YOU!"

Walking up the marbled stairs from the streets of Los Angeles, I was freezing cold, I did not bother changing any clothes at all. My usual jeans, long coat, and a turtleneck was all I need, truly. To be completely honest, I am worried to meet him. I haven't had the grasp as to what to even say to him. But, there's something inside of me that tells me I want to talk to him.

My mind was still filled with the whole Jayson confession situation-woah. That's a triple rhyming, you should try saying that out loud sometime.

I was looking by the ground as always, there was a light rain that was surely gliding over my shoulders as I walk. I was watching every bit of my step, as I feel a dark enclosing above me, I looked up and saw Leo holding up an umbrella.

"Never seen you out this late before."

I chuckled, "It's only 8:40."

"Case in point," he continues, as he walked beside me, he was silent.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Him looking at the surroundings, he took a sigh, "You know I like the -"

"Cold breeze of the light rain, yes."

"Where are you going?" he paused. "I'm assuming a date with Jayson?"

"What? No. I'm meeting up with my dad."

Surprised, he took a halt and looked at me, "Oh. Wow, that's uh-that's great, I'm glad you're ready to see him now."

"I'm, not really sure if I am, to be honest."

As we continue to walk, I took out my hands from my coat and let it rest in my sides.

"Can I ask you something?" I broke the silence.

"Do not ask me again with one of your Jane Eyre books."

Letting out a chuckle, I took a sigh as I continue, "If someone—likes you, a-and... they asked you to be their partner. What exactly should you do?"

Hearing myself, I blabbed, "That sounds really stupid, I know, I'm sorr—"

"Lottie, you can only know something when you know it. Not a minute before. If I like them back, then, I don't really see the problem."

"But what if — what if, you like another person?"

He chuckled through his nose, as he shifts his body towards me, "I think you know the answer to that."

"Mr. Morris sure is happy to see you," he adds, as we look by the window seeing my dad waving his hand.

As we were now in a small booth, he closes the umbrella and handed it to me, "Here, so you won't get sick by the rain. Learned that the hard way."

"I'm not that a hardhead when sick!" I shout as he walks away.

He turns around, "You were a complete pain in the ass!"

lovely - Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now