The change in heart

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i was standing in the hallway when I was introduced to a man named matsuo who was supposed to be my butler. I was observing my surroundings as I was used to this behavior unintentionally.

"matsuo this is my son kiyotaka ayanokoji he will be living here from now on so take care of him. I will be leaving shortly. I will be in my room" saying so the professor left

"yes, professor " saying so matsuo turned towards me.

'how am I supposed to reet him should I say Mr. butler or butler matsuo or matsuo san ' i have never greeted anyone in my life. in the white room, I addressed only the instructors and the professor and never talked to the other kids . my train of thought was interrupted by matsuo.

"hello master ayanokoji, I will be taking care of you I've been with our father for the past 20 years. ask about anything to me."

"thank you matsuo-san . can you show me to m room?"

"Yes please follow me"

I followed matsuo into the house where I could see the room filled with different artifacts and in the middle of the room was a black piano. Playing piano calms me and I loved it as much I loved listening to music.I entered a room it was not as simple as the one I lived in before but it rather had many different things. Not that I care but humans are perceptive to change in one's environment.

I thanked him and began inspecting my surroundings. I could see a computer on the study table and a bookshelf along the bed the room was filled with sunlight the curtains parted to reveal the garden surrounding the house it was rather an exquisite sight.

My days were different no training, no tests, no instructors, no professor only mastsuo-san accompanied me in the how even he left after a certain time of the day. My days went with surfing on the internet a workout session and reading. I sometimes play the piano to hone my skills. And so 9 months passed, one day when I was having m lunch I noticed that matsuo-san was acting differently than usual.

'Should I ask him what is troubling him?' and so I spoke up

He looked at me with different eyes than usual, his eyes were filled with 'pity'

Matsuo-san: master ayanokoji do you enjoy your life?

Hearing this unexpected question I was surprised.

Ayanokoji: and why do you ask that

Matsuo-san: I have been with you for almost 10 months and I've never seen you get emotional like never not happy or sad. Do you like living here do you miss the white room?

Ayanokoji: I don't know. I don't hate the white room but that doesn't mean I miss the white room but I know this is temporary freedom so it doesn't count much.

And before I could process it the words left my mouth

Matsuo-san: freedom you say I wanted to talk to you about this I didn't know how to start but there is this place when no one can disturb you

'a place where that man can't reach sounds like a fantasy but doesn't hurt hearing'

Matsuo-san: Tokyo metropolitan advanced nurturing high school it backed by the government and funded by it. It is said that admission is very difficult but I think with your capabilities it is easy.

It sounds very tempting but why does matsuo-san give me this information so casually I started analyzing his goals but I couldn't reach many. It was either due to money or his emotions.

and just like that, an interest burned my heart. I wanted to know more about people not just for emotions but also why society is never equal to all.

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