Chapter 4: Deliberations

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Several months have passed. Macai has been meeting with Azula more and more frequently but also makes some time for his friends. Sometimes there is pressure as both groups compete for his attention. While all of this is happening, Macai is steadily improving in his combat forms and excelling in most subjects.

Macai's math scores are steadily improving (from poor to slightly above average) with his mother's help. In fact, his rate of growth increases and even Azula has a slight increase in her productivity rate. This relationship gets Ozai's attention but, makes him question if it is stable.

Eyre is sitting in his work office within the Fire Nation military center. The walls of the office are beige with a painting of the famous Fire Nation fort Roc Moe, where Fire Nation troopers fought off a massive army of Water Tribe troopers hundreds of years ago. There is also a fire nation poster in the room and there is a Mormabear skin on the floor (a 9-foot tall creature with sharp claws, teeth, and weighs 280 pounds). There are red trimmings on the walls and the door is made of maple brown wood.

The room was customized by Eyre and smells like burning wood. It is a common cologne scent used by fire nation leaders. The bright sun shines through the window of the room and Eyre's desk is maple brown like the door in the room. Eyre is writing strategic plans with a black lamp (that emits a strong white light) shining over his papers. Eyre is wearing his red armor with black armor with red and gold stripes.

His door is suddenly pushed open and Prince Ozai enters. Eyre does not turn his head, being focused on his papers. Eyre assumes it is his subordinate captain Voch. Eyre: "Voch, didn't I tell you not to barge in during my 11 am readings? What is it this time?" Eyre turns his head and notices Ozai then his reaction immediately changes.

Ozai smirks, "Hello, general. I snuck in here to discuss a very important matter."

Eyre automatically assumes it is a military matter, "Of course, what is it, prince?"

Ozai: "Well, I noticed that your son and my daughter have been performing better recently."

Eyre: "Ahh, yes. That's excellent isn't it?"

Ozai holds his hands together, "Indeed it is, but I worry about the stability of such a relationship. If it were to fail, what would become of it? Would they both become less productive?"

Eyre takes a deep breath, "I would assume that would be the immediate effect. But if it works, it would be a great tool for our nation. They could become one of the most powerful couples of all time. Perhaps the most powerful of our time."

Ozai: "Indeed, but we would need to test the strength of a relationship. Rather than risking it blow up in our faces."

Eyre raises his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Ozai: "The best relationships can endure hardships and the best warriors can endure tests. I am thinking of a way to test Macai, I will return to you when I have decided what course of action is best. The last thing we want is for Azula and Macai to become powerful Fire Nation leaders and suddenly become weak after the collapse of their relationship. That could compromise many lives and many of MY PLANS."

Eyre: "Indeed, let me know what you think of. I will give you fair feedback."

Ozai: "Without a doubt, I trust your long wisdom. You are a man of practicality and you control your emotions well. That is why I trust you and that makes me even more comfortable with Macai. But, if you ever put your son over the interests of the Fire Nation, I will destroy you."

Eyre: "You know where my allegiance lies."

Ozai: "Good. Very good, General. Now if you excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to. But I did enjoy this discussion, some people do not have such decency these days and must be made an example out of. But they make the job fun." Ozai gets up and departs from the room.

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