"You're not welcome here." Jax growled as he looked at Kyle, Johnny was all for supporting that notion. "Don't be hasty to turn him away Jax, Kyle is a great fighter, you could learn from him, he also knows how to fight demons better than my guard, he's a prick but he means well." The man interjected but Johnny wasn't having it, they would train till their bones cracked if it meant they would get strong but the arrogant prick wasn't staying. "Uncle I respect you, and your advice but my answer is no, I don't want a man drowning in self importance near my kids." Jax replied with a determination only a father could match up to, Johnny felt his heartbeat a little faster and felt a little warmer knowing he could depend on him.

"Very well, Kyle you and I must go home, it seems your bad manners have trumped your angelic face this time, I will come again tomorrow with another less pricky guard, you still need the help." He asserted and walked to hug Adrian who returned the hug as well. "Drive safely." Jax warned, as the large wolf hugged and patted Johnny. "I will." The wolf conceded but his nephew never left his spot. "You're being stubborn for no reason Kyle, let's go." The patriarch urged but he wouldn't move. "I'm not arrogant." He finally spoke surprising Johnny., if he weren't arrogant, then what else was he. "Don't kid yourself hybrid, you roll in self arrogance it's nauseating." Johnny spat as he turned to walk toward his room upstairs.

"Can I stay the night?" Kyle asked Jax who reluctantly nodded, Johnny was watching everything so when Jax nodded he sighed, it couldn't be helped. "By the way, I can feel emotions, and the amount of pride you have is actually beyond nauseating" Johnny shot just as he moved away from view, he hated people with attitudes, he hated people who wanted to be better than others, to be seen as better than others as if the world revolved around them, he always strived to stay away from people like that, they were never good company.

He got into his room and stripped heading for the bathroom once again, the day had been exhausting and all he wanted was to relax, study, and hopefully have no run ins with the hybrid sleeping over, warm water filled the bathtub, he poured his favorite bubble bath, Adrian had made it for him, it was always soothing, as he dipped inside he sighed in appreciation, it felt good to relax his muscles, Jax walked into his room, he knew it was him from his scent, it was dominant with a hint of lilac, a scent you normally found on Adrian, he felt hands massage his shoulders, a moan escaped his lips which made Jax laugh.

"If you weren't my brother in law, that would've been far more embarrassing." He commented. "And it already isn't?" Jax retorted making both of them laugh as Jax massaged gel into his hair and scalp. "Okay, I'm envious of Ari." Johnny mumbled as a dog like rumble came from his chest. "So I think I've apologized then, I wanted to say I'm sorry for allowing Kyle to stay here, I know you didn't like him staying here, but I thought I should apologize anyway." Jax confessed but Johnny replied with incoherent words seeing as his upper body was being taken care of.

"It's okay older brother, I forgive you." Johnny mumbled, indeed he forgave Jax, who would still be angry when they received a massage from hands like that. "Okay then, do not stay in too long, and remember you've got to study, you need to catch up on your schoolwork, I've already informed all our teachers that we'll be doing our course work online from now on until a later date." Jax informed and Johnny indeed felt like Jax was taking the role of a father in their lives, somehow he appreciated it because for the life of him he couldn't be the man of the house, he couldn't exactly take charge, he wasn't that grown.

"Okay, I will, and thank you for doing it, by the way, is he sleeping on the couch?" Johnny questioned wanting to feel the satisfaction of having Kyle sleep on the couch, when Jax nodded in made him happy, the punishment was well deserved. "Goodnight Jojo." The kitsune called out as he walked out of his bathroom, into the bedroom then out the door. "Goodnight older brother." Johnny mumbled, after a while of just feeling great in the bathtub, he finally got out, lotioned, and got to his desk to study. He suddenly felt the need for yogurt as a late night snack, so in his tight black boxers, he made his way downstairs, he got to the kitchen ruffling his own hair.

"He's so bossy, he makes me dance—sit on the back of his whip and cancel my plans—." Johnny paused when he felt someone behind him, he was male considering his scent, and it wasn't Adrian or Jax, the wolf hadn't bothered with the lights since his vision was as good in the dark as it was better in the day. "What do you want hybrid?" Johnny growled, he growled even more, when he felt his skin come in contact with Kyle's, he hated that feeling and also loved it. "Just observing." The man replied as Johnny released a shaky breath when he felt warm air on his left shoulder, hands on his hips.

"Stop." He growled making a bit of distance between them. "You told me not to drool over you, therefore you have no intent which is good toward me, please don't make me kick your ass twice in a single night." Johnny asserted taking his yogurt from the fridge. "Now who is the arrogant one?" Kyle asked making him roll his eyes, how could he even compare them. "I'm not arrogant and I simply state facts, so don't twist this into something it's not." He answered trying to walk past the taller man but he blocked his way. "This is getting ridiculous and childish, I need to study I have classes in the morning, this child as you've clearly mentioned has obligations to his family, so please move." Johnny demanded with a growl and Kyle moved so fast to pin him on the wall, their bare skin was touching, his ripped body digging onto his, he could feel a large part of Kyle grinding onto him.

"I'm sorry I seemed insensitive at first, but my grandfather didn't explain, and I hate taking care of whiny brats, it was my mistake." Kyle apologized but all Johnny could manage was a weak nod, this man had him in the most submissive place he'd ever been put, his self control was slipping. "Can I go no—." He choked on a moan, when Kyle's cock ground on his. "I believe this is called sexual tension." The man remarked but Johnny didn't want this, not like this, he had been ridiculed and judged already, he pushed Kyle aside with all his strength. "Remember what you said, I don't forget easily, especially when I'm being insulted." Johnny remarked as he walked away toward the stairs, he had loved before and his heart was broken, he wasn't going to get broken twice, feeling was dangerous.

Sovietro Manor.

"I hear you've been spending time with the Brooke children, how are they?" Dr. Charlton asked the man who had helped her through thick and thin, he had been there on her lowest and highest. "They are fine doctor, you could visit them yourself you know." The patriarch replied looking at the woman opposite his desk with a look of curiosity. "I want to visit, but I'm not sure Adrian would appreciate it, after all, I ridiculed him when we first met and I didn't warn him in time when it came to Leyton." Doctor Charlton expressed with a sigh and the patriarch seemed to be taken aback by her words as well.

"We are both at fault here, those children shouldn't have suffered the way they did, their father is somewhere in New England, has a wife and two kids, he's forgotten what he left here and I can't bring myself to tell Adrian or his siblings that, it just breaks my heart." The patriarch confessed shocking the doctor but her shock wore off. "There are more secrets around those kids and you know it, I don't know what to do when they start coming out, especially—." The doctor stopped when the patriarch had clenched his fist tightly, the two of them knew to keep this secret always but it was hard.

"I heard of Ama's death, she was a good woman." The patriarch diverted the topic, and the doctor was grateful for it. "Yes she was, Kao isn't doing well with the loss and I was hoping Adrian could help, problem is would he accept to help." Charlton expressed and the patriarch snorted. "I won't answer for him but do ask him, I left Kyle there yesterday night, I'm surprised his body hasn't been delivered in a bag yet." The large man mused looking at the doctor. "We'll see in time, I will pass on a message to them, I'm going to speak to Adrian." The doctor concluded as she stood up to leave the office.

When she left the patriarch stood up and tapped on his phone as he stood by the window, he wanted to talk to his son, how could he do this.



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