Chapter 1

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3rd person PoV
It was a beautiful day out in the city of Vale, the birds were singing; and some flowers were blooming, yet something interesting would soon enter this very world.
(If anyone can figure out where this is referencing...... then you have my respect)
In one of the many alleyways, the air looked as if reality itself was made of glass with a spiderweb crack appearing . The crack soon turned into shattering glass as if someone just broke a window. However it seemed to stay frozen in place and it was showing a pure white light on the other side. From the bright side, a man would walk out of it with the void itself soon dissapearing as if it never happened. This man was a good example of mysterious; he wore a cloak that covered his body, and a mask that kept his face hidden.

??? Pov
"Huh; I haven't been to this world before, and from the looks of it my powers have changed to adapt to this worlds concept just like with the others I've been to."
He would smile under his mask
"This will be rather interesting."

He soon leaves the alleyway and starts to walk around the city. He would soon come across a store sign that says "From Dust Til Dawn."
He then chuckles, "Heh, that's clever."
He soon steps to the side as he sees a man being knocked towards the glass window, and soon afterwards that man gets thrown out of said window by a girl in a read cloak.He would soon watch out of curiosity as he sees this spunky girl take out what appear to be people who were trying to rob the store. Being the man that he is, he couldn't stand to watch her fight alone. So he reaches behind his back and unsheaths his Khopesh, he would then dash forward and hit one of them who was trying to attack her from behind with the flat side of his blade.

Red PoV
She was doing her best to take them out which wasn't that hard for her. That's when she notices someone new enter the fight and take out one of the thugs. She honestly wasn't expecting a civilian to help but she did appreciate it.The man would soon speak with slight irritation in his voice. "It's rather rude to attack a lady from behind, try to have some class people." Sadly, Red didn't have time to get a good look at him thanks to a certain cane wielder shooting at the two of them. Of course they would jump out of harms way and would soon chase after that man.

??? PoV
We finally corner him on a roof top, only to see an airship come in and he gets on. The man with the cane then turns around and speaks. "End of the line Red, and Mystery Man!" He would throw a red dust crystal at the two and then shoot at it hoping to kill them in the process. Sadly for him, a blonde woman who looked rather stern came in at the last second and saved them both. The fight against said airship was rather intense, especially when a young woman takes charge and attacks the three. The man would then stab his sword into the building causing the girl deemed "Red" to look at him confused. Soon afterwards, 3 skeletons appear before him and bow as if waiting for a command. This caused both her and the woman helping to look stunned by seeing something that was unexpected.

He then speaks in a calm and powerful voice.. "Go and attack that airship, those are your orders." The 3 skeletons nod and do as they were told. One skeleton would start running while the other two cupped their hands together and bent down to give their comrade a much needed boost. It was indeed successful, however that skeleton was soon turned to ash by the woman in the airship.

Before they could do anything else the airship was able to get away, and soon enough the red cloaked girl was looking at the blonde amazed. "You're a huntress....... can I have your autograph?" The man then gets up and brushes some soot off his cloak. "Well as much fun as this was, I must be going."

The woman then looks at him and speaks with a stern voice. "You're not going anywhere just yet, you two are coming with me." The man then puts away his sword and places his hands in front of him as a showing of surrender.. "There's no need to use force Miss, I know when to give in to demands." He would soon follow wondering what was going to happen next.

And that's all I have for you guys, let me know what you think in the comments. Once again I'm new to writing stories on here so try not to be too harsh ok?

Until next time😊

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