Chapter 6

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Varon was having a good nights sleep until he hears a very energetic voice sing songing "it's morning." He would soon get up and do all the essentials when it comes to mornings: showering, brushing teeth, ect. Soon afterwards, he comes across Jaune trying to find his locker, and decides to help him.

Varon: If I remember correctly, your locker is right next to mine Jaune.

Jaune: Thanks Varon, you really are a life saver.

The two men walk off and soon come in ear shot of Weiss trying to sweet talk this red headed girl in spartan armor. Jaune being the "ladies man" he is, walks over to try and hit on Weiss.

Varon: Seriously, he has a thing for the tsundere?
(You all know Weiss is a flippin tsundere, don't try to deny it.)

Weiss: You again?

Spartan: Nice to meet you Jaune.

He ignores her which causes Varon to have a deadpan look from behind his mask.

Varon: [Is this guy so dense that he doesn't see that someone he just met wants to talk to him? He's gonna need all the help he can get.]

Varon then goes ahead and joins the conversation to try and help Jaune.

Varon: You know Jaune, it can be a bit rude if you ignore someone who just tried to greet you.

He then looks to the spartan and bows

Varon: It's a pleasure to meet you Ms.....

Spartan: Pyrrha Nikos.

Fortunately, Varon was able to do a bit of research on some of the aspects of this world, and luckily one such aspect referred to Ms. Nikos.

Varon: As in the world famous fighter? Very interesting.

Jaune: Never heard of her.

Weiss: She's one the Mistral Regional Tournament 3 years in a row, a new record by the way.

Jaune: The what?



Jaune: *gasps* That's you?! They only give that role to athletes and cartoon characters.

Pyrrha: Yeah, it was pretty neat. Sadly the cereal isn't healthy for you.

Weiss: So Jaune, do you really think you could try and win Pyrrha's hand knowing who she is now?

Varon: Now hold on a moment Ms. Schnee. It doesn't matter if someone you love is a strong athlete or even of nobility. What matters is if you love them for who they are, not what they've done.

Weiss was a bit taken back by this statement. She'd never heard someone say something so selfless before.

Pyrrha: What an excellent way to look at love Mr....

Varon: My apologies, my name is Varon Vanari.

Pyrrha then looks over to Jaune and gives him a slight smile. Then the big goof does something ridiculous, which is getting closer to Weiss and trying to whoo her over once more. Weiss is a bit worried by this, and asks Pyrrha for help. She does help, but by launching her spear at Jaune, impaling his hood to the wall.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

Varon: [Mental note, don't piss off Ms. Nikos]

Soon after, the intercom activates and its Glynda telling all first year students to head to the cliff side.

As soon as everyone gets there, Ozpin starts to explain how the initiation will go.

Ozpin: You will be given partners today, and you will be meeting them in the forest below this cliff.

Ruby starts to groan.

Ozpin: with that being said, the first person that you come in contact with here in the forest will be your partner for the next four years.

It was at this point that Ruby's state of mind shattered.

Ruby: What!?

Pink girl: See, I told you!

Ozpin: Now after you find your partner, you will head to the forest ruins and grab one of the many relics that are there. However, this forest is filled with the creatures of Grimm. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die.

Jaune would soon gulp out if nervousness.

Ozpin: Now are there any questions?

Jaune: I have a-

Ozpin: Good, now let's begin.

Varon: [Wow, now that was harsh.]

Soon enough the panels below the student's launched them into the air.

Varon: [He's seriously launching us into the forest?! Please tell me this guy isn't a sadist.]
(We all know Ozpin gets joy out of launching students off of cliffs.)

Jaune: Uh sir, I do have a question. How exactly are we getting into the forest, are you dropping us off?

Ozpin: No, you will be falling. This is to help you come up with your own landing strategy.

Jaune: So what exactly is a landing strategeeeeeeeey

Varon then looks at Ozpin and says something before he gets launched over the cliff.

Varon: Don't you dare eve-

He didn't get time to finish his sentence as he gets sent into the air as well while Ozpin just looks over the cliff while drinking his hot cocoa.
(To me it has always been hot cocoa that he drinks and nothing is ever gonna change my mind about it)

Well, that's all for this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments. Also, I very much appreciate it if you point out slight spelling errors or such. It can be quite the challenge to make these chapters on the spot without making any spelling errors😊.

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