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Now before I begin this I just want to give you readers a little heads up. If you see words in this ( ) that's basically my personal comment on certain points in my book. I've been told in the past that my comments can be pretty funny, so I thought it'd be a good idea to put them in this book to get a couple of good laughs. Anyway, let's begin.

Edit: I decided to change the concept from an insert story to what I originally had for his name. It just felt weird for me to try with the whole (Y/N) scenario so there will be some slight changes to the chapters I had originally posted for this story.

Name: Varon Vanari

Race: Overseer- a being that exists between worlds and watches over the many realities. Another term that he would go by is a title which is "Guardian of the Multiverse."

Age: Body- 18.     Mind- over 5000

Weapon: Reaper Massacre (Khopesh)

Semblance: Necromancy- Allows him to summon 3 skeletons a day for 5 minutes total.
(This means that within that day he can summon one at one point, the other two at another point, or all 3 at the same time. Once a new day starts, he can use 3 once more.)

Appearance: When he travels to other worlds he is usually seen wearing a cloak that covers his body, but under it is a rather fine looking suit. He also wears a mask to keep his face hidden for good reasons (which you my fine readers will learn in a much later chapter).

(This is basically what his mask looks like)

Likes: Cafés, reading, playing games, making friends, saving people, and playing his violin.

Dislikes: Discrimination, bullying, people who think they're better than others.
(Oh we're gonna have a blast when we see Cardin😈)

Personality: Kind and caring, but is insecure about his looks. He also is quite determined.

So I may not be new to Wattpad, but this is my first time writing a story on here, so please try to be easy on me in the comments if my grammar sucks or if you aren't that big a fan of this story.

Also I'm thinking of having that title of his be a part of a story that is known throughout the multiverse. Which means that the people of Remnant may know of it as well, but he won't say it right away.

The Cursed Immortal (OC Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now