Chapter 4

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"and so Childe will travel with us from now on"

Aether said in a monotonous tone as he pointed at the brightly smiling Childe who was waving his hand at Paimon, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!? HE TRIED TO KILL PAIMON!!!" Paimon yelled pointing her tiny hands at Childe, "aw~ come on little fairy, I wasn't actually aiming at you---" Childe had to stop talking when he felt shivers down his spine and two eyes were glaring at him right through his skull.

"b-b-but that's all in the past now! I'm a changed person!" Childe exclaimed looking at Aether with a bright smile, Aether had to squint his eyes since Childe was glowing like the sun. "yeah...anyway...he wanted to gain my trust again and so..." Aether said while shrugging both of his shoulders, Paimon groans in annoyance.

"fine...if traveler is okay with it...then Paimon...too" Paimon said but her thoughts said it different, Childe applaud as a success, Aether sigh and immediately left the cabin along with Childe following him from behind.

"so! what is our first mission today shonen?" Childe asked Aether who started to think of a plan, "at a time like this, I go ahead and enter some temple but today...I don't feel like fighting some monsters" Aether said in a lazy tone causing a giggle that escaped Childe's mouth.

"you are certainly right Shonen, do you want to go to Liyue? to explore things," Childe said smiling at Aether, he places his thumb under his chin before agreeing to Childe's option.

As they walk together to Liyue, Paimon flew behind them as she observed Childe.

"Hmm...Paimon doesn't like this..."


"mhm~ mhm~ when you're in liyue! it really gives you that vibe huh?"

Childe exclaimed giving Aether some barbecue to eat, Aether grabs it by the stick and eats it peacefully as he let Childe do the talking, "ne~ ne~ Shonen, want to have another due--ACK!" Childe was interrupted when Aether hit him on his side.

"Nope, and I'm not interested fighting you..." Aether said with a dull expression, Childe expected this much reaction from him but he had already stated that he would try to gain his trust once more.

"Ah! Zhongli!!!"

Paimon exclaimed causing Aether and Childe to jump in surprise, "Ah, traveler and his tiny companion, what brought you here in Liyue?" Zhongli walked towards them with a smile on his face but surely, Childe saw how he looked at Aether.

Childe chuckle and put his arms around Aether before Zhongli could touch his head, "I'm traveling with Shonen from now on~" Childe said with a sly smirk.

Zhongli frozed for a while before bursting into graceful laughter.

"Hahaha! Is that so..." Zhongli said as wise as ever, Aether giggled which caused Childe to flinch and glance at him.

He pouted and glared at Zhongli who was enjoying his time chatting with Aether and even stroking his hair just to make Childe jealous.

"tsk...what's so great about an old man anyways...."

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