Chapter 21

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" should really eat more...Aether wouldn't like it---"


Paimon yelled causing Jean to back away a little as she was shocked from how Paimon raises her voice, it was sometimes rare for Paimon to get mad but if she did it was only because she was annoyed but this was the first time Jean encounter an angry Paimon but Jean also knows that the reason she was angry because Paimon is hurting inside.

It has been 1 week since Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, and Childe, went to Snezhnaya to save Aether, Jean knows they will face trouble there but the only thing she could do was to pray to Barbatos for their safety.

"Oh Anemo Archon, Barbatos, please keep them safe..."

Meanwhile, just outside the city of Mondstadt, somewhere in Stormbearer Point, a loud sneeze came from Venti startled Xiao whose attention is fixated on the ocean, "whew! what a loud sneeze! is there a cat nearby?" Venti exclaimed and hid behind Xiao who eventually got annoyed by his clinginess but he didn't mind being touched by him.

"We are the only ones here, I doubt that cats would even go at this height," Xiao said to Venti who somehow felt relieved, Venti laughs and scratch the back of his head, "Ehe! for a second I could hear someone's voice telling me to keep someone safe but Nah! just my silly imagination" Venti exclaimed and playfully punch Xiao.

Xiao took a deep breath and continued to ignore Venti. 

"Inner peace..."

"urgh! I want to see the traveller already~"

Venti whined and flail his arms up in the air, when Xiao was about to open his mouth, he suddenly felt a strong gush of wind. "OH!, IT'S MORAX" Venti exclaimed and pointed at Zhongli who was flying towards them in his dragon form, Xiao's eyes sparkled as he held back a proud smile.

"That's my master!" Xiao thought as they both back away a little to give Zhongli a lot of space to land, Aether smiled from ear to ear and wave his hand.


When Zhongli finally landed on the ground, he waited for them to come down, "easy now Aether," Childe said and held out his hand to help Aether to get down, Aether blushed but he took his hand willingly as he let Childe carry him down.



Kaeya and  Venti spread their arms together since they were happy to see each other, once Zhongli saw all of them, he immediately transformed back into his human form but what startled him was Xiao kneeling down.

"Welcome back! Zhongli-sama!" Xiao exclaimed and knelt down on one knee, Zhongli became flustered because he has already told him that it was okay to greet him casually without kneeling or bowing, Xiao gasp and bow even more.


"ahaha...I guess sometimes Zhongli-sensei can have his own struggles..." Aether said, Childe chuckle as he rested his chin on top of his head, "...Aether...let's live happily together okay?...I'll also help look for your sister..." Childe said and gently turn Aether around to face him, Aether blushed and nodded as a response.

"yeah...thank you Chi---"

"Don't forget about me with my strength I can help you look for your sister as well," Diluc said appearing between them, Childe gritted his teeth and grabs Diluc by his collar shirt, "DAMN KNIGHT! STOP RUINING OUR MOMENT!" Childe exclaimed and chased Diluc who took Aether and ran away.


When the news that Aether came back home safe, the whole town celebrated for his arrival and safety, and of course the first person who greeted him from the city was Paimon who ended up crying in buckets. "AH!!! PAIMON WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU TRAVELLER! I WAS SO LONELY!" Paimon exclaimed and hugged him tightly, Aether could only chuckle, he misses everyone especially his little companion.

"Sorry for making you worry Paimon.."

Aether said and pats her back, Paimon then bonks his head, "PAIMON'S HUNGRY!!!" Paimon exclaimed and drag Aether by his shirt, Jean walk towards them and giggled, "everyone, welcome back" Jean said and hug Aether, "thank the anemo archon for protecting you..." Jean said causing Zhongli and Xiao to look at Venti who was already drinking with Kaeya while Diluc tries to take away their drinks.

Aether smiled, "yeah...I'm glad everything is okay now..." Aether said when all of a sudden Amber appeared behind Jean and pulled Aether, "let's go to Barbara first! look at your injuries!" she exclaimed, Childe felt bothered by all the touching they made to Aether, he pouted and pulled Aether away from Amber.

"Eh?! C-Childe!"

Everyone was shocked when Childe did that, he pursed his lips together and kissed Aether in front of them, Aether who stood there with a shocked face immediately pushed Childe away, "A-A-Are you crazy!?" He exclaimed but Childe ignored his tantrums and held Aether up high.

"THIS PERSON RIGHT HERE IS MINE! So if any of you try to make a move on him! I won't let you!!!" Childe exclaimed and shielded Aether, all of them were left speechless due to the sudden outburst of Childe but it warmed their heart to see how sincere his words were.

Lisa giggled, "Well said fatui, but..."Lisa puts her hand on top of his shoulders and grips on it tightly, Childe flinched at stared at Lisa with fear in his eyes.

"try to make our little cutie cry, make sure to get your ass ready for some ass-whoopin', okay?" Lisa said with an innocent smile, Childe shivered in fear and immediately hid behind Aether, "y-y-yes m-ma'am..." Childe said causing everyone to laugh at him including Aether.

Thus the day went on with the whole town celebrating Aether's return.


Just kidding! I know this chapter is not a good way to end it yet uwu.

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