Chapter 11

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"how embarrassing"

La Signora said as she sat on her throne-like chair, Scaramouche clicks his tongue. "...I didn't think Tartaglia would do that to me..." Scaramouche said while he hung his head low, La Signora chuckle and stood up from her seat and circled Scaramouche as he suddenly felt intimidated by her presence.

Even though Scaramouche is strong and prideful, he was no match for La Signora, her demeaning character is one of the reasons why he does not like her, Signora smirked and It was as if she was looking down on a scared puppy.

"well then...since you are useless I'll have to bring him back myself"

Signora said and left, once the door was closed, Scaramouche gritted his teeth. The room suddenly felt so tensed as electricity came out of his body, Scaramouche clenched his fist and punched the wall beside him creating a big crack.

"I will kill you..."




"Ehe te nandayo?!?"

Paimon exclaimed, Venti, giggled and wave his hand hi to Aether, "you smell like wine" Aether said but Venti pretended not to hear him, "Ehe! how are you, traveler! you seem to be doing fine!" Venti exclaimed and hooks his arms around Aether, he sighs and tilted his head to the side.

" didn't pay for that drink didn't you?" Aether said glaring at the drunk archon in front of him who still pretended not to know anything, he sighs once more and glances at Paimon who was throwing pebbles at him.

"This is for saying EHE! all the time!"

"hey come on stop that!" Aether exclaimed and grab Paimon from the back of her clothes, Paimon squirmed a lot in which Aether had to tie her up but Paimon having the ability to float she went around and acted crazy.

"Venti, it's nice to see you again...and you are still drunk," Aether said along with a sarcastic laugh, Venti grins as he clung into Aether, "Ehe~ don't tell Diluc that I didn't pay hehehe," Venti said causing Aether to gasp when Aether was about to drag Venti at the shop, Childe appeared between the two and separated them.

"Shonen! why do you keep attracting weirdos! this time it's a weird drunk bard!" Childe said as he hugged Aether tightly with no intention of letting him go, Aether pointed at him with a blank expression.

"Aren't you a weirdo too?"

"EH!!! why would you say that to me Shonen!" Childe exclaimed as he shook Aether by his shoulder, Aether felt so done by everything, and Childe being Childe, he can never have a peaceful day.

Venti stared at Childe quietly before he gasps in shock, "FATUI!" Venti exclaimed as he immediately pointed his bow at Childe who did the same, Aether flinches when the two of them started pointing their weapons from each other, "h-hey! come on! stop it! people are looking!" Aether said as he got in between them, Venti chuckled and tilted his head from the side, and smiled innocently with the intent to kill.

"oh come, traveler~ don't get in my way~

"that's right Shonen~ this little man right here seems to be challenging me---Ah"

When Childe tightens his grip on his bow, the arrow suddenly fell, silence filled the air and the embarrassed Childe hid behind Aether.

"WAcAH!! I WANTED TO ACT COOL IN FRONT OF YOU BUT! BUT!" Childe exclaimed while rubbing his head against the now annoyed Aether, "you know~ Paimon saw them kissed..." Paimon said as she pointed her tiny finger at them, Venti's jaw drop.


He exclaimed and covered his mouth because of how surprised he was, "so...let me ask you a question related to them" Venti said and glance at Paimon who proudly put her arms on her waist.

"Sure! you can ask Paimon anythin---"

"who tops?"



Aether stared at Paimon and Venti arguing while he tries to push Childe away, Childe pouted at his stubbornness when all of sudden he saw a glimpse of red hair and the usual grumpy look heading their way, Childe click his tongue and pulled Aether closer to him.

"oh look if it isn't tomato head," Childe said while smirking at Diluc who could only grit his teeth, he didn't want to cause any trouble since Aether was here and he thought of that time to where he almost broke Aether's waist because of his tight grip trying to protect him from Childe.

"Aether it's nice for you to visit Monstadt is your waist?" Diluc said as he stood in front of Aether while ignoring the growling Childe, "It's healing just don't have to feel sorry I knew you didn't mean it" Aether said as he held Diluc's hand, Childe flinch and bit the bottom of his lips.

Childe could hardly feel jealous of others but when it comes to Aether he feels like he was about to explode in anger, Childe clicks his tongue, "Um...Aether...would you like to come over for dinner?...just the two of us?" Diluc said and somehow, he managed to spread a small smile which surprised him a lot, Childe flinched and glance at Aether.

"...the two of us?...can't Childe and Paimon come along too?" Aether said as he tilted his head in confusion, Diluc frowned and put his attention at Childe, "you and Paimon are invited but I will never let a Fatui step on to my house," Diluc said as his voice was filled with anger, Childe scoff, "that's something we both can agree on," Childe said when all of a sudden Aether stood in between them.

"Ah! that's a really nice offer Diluc..."

Diluc's face lit up but that soon turned into a frown when he held Childe's hand, "Childe is part of my team already, and even though he is a fatui...he already became someone special to me..." Aether said with a blush appearing on his face, Childe pursed his lips together as he held back a smile right after hearing what Aether said.

Diluc suddenly felt a sudden heaviness in his heart, he cleared his throat and nodded.

"Okay...if that is what Aether wishes then I must oblige..."

Aether smiled from ear to ear and thanked him, soon Aether and Childe left to explore the stores in Monsdath leaving Venti and Diluc.

Venti sigh and pat his back causing Diluc to look at him in confusion, "If you don't stop wearing that jealous face I might write a song about you," Venti said and immediately run away, Diluc gasped as he almost forgot the reason why he went here.




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