Chapter 1

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Warning (for the new/old players) the book may contain spoilers for those who have started the game and for those who haven't finished some important quests.

"and then! Paimon swore it was hilichurls not a frog--- Traveller?"

Paimon had to stop talking once she noticed that Aether was lost in his thoughts as they venture into the woods for some, "traveler? hey~~ Paimon's talking to you!!!" Paimon exclaimed as she tried to get his attention but to no avail, Aether stayed silent and continued to walk forward without answering Paimon.

"geez! what is wrong with him!"

"Childe...Childe...urgh! stop thinking about him! his gone and probably must have run off to do something evil again" Aether thought with an annoyed expression, after defeating the monster and the jade chamber was destroyed since it was used to defeat it, everything seemed to return to normal but to Aether, it definitely did not.

Aether never trusted him from the start since Childe was a fatui and he knew he couldn't trust the fatui stated by Diluc itself, Aether paused for a moment and stared across the ocean.

"Paimon is getting worried about you traveler? Is there anything Paimon can do for you?" Paimon said worriedly, Aether chuckle as he shakes his head, "thanks...but no thanks, I'm fine...I'm just tired that's all" Aether said but all he could hear was Paimon laughing.

"Paimon thinks your crazy! we have been walking and fighting some slimes and hilichurls for 3 hours now!" Paimon exclaimed as she circled Aether by flying, Aether flinch and never thought he could go on fighting for 3 hours.

"Okay then, let's go to Liyue to get some food" Aether said before turning his gaze down to see the city of Liyue, with a swift motion. He jumps down the cliff and glides down there as he felt the cold breeze of the air, "PAIMON THINKS THAT'S AWESOME!!!" Paimon exclaimed as she flew side by side with Aether.

Aether reached the ground of Liyue in no time, "we might bump into Mr. Zhongli, he did say he will stay in Liyue for while before going on an adventure on his own" Aether said glancing at Paimon who had a frown on her face, "Paimon doesn't like that, don't you remember how he used Paimon's and your moras?" Paimon said crossing her arms over her chest, Aether couldn't help but agree to her, "you're right but I still think it'd be nice to see him once in a while" Aether said when all of a sudden something heavy was pressing down to his shoulder.

"Shonen is right little flying fairy"

Aether's heart begun to pound when he heard the person he didn't want to see again, Childe had a playful smile, as usual, Aether clicks his tongue and brushed his shoulder off.

"Paimon, let's go to Monstadt instead..."

Aether said as he grabs Paimon's little hands away from Childe, "aw~ are you mad Shonen? come on talk to me?" Childe said trying to get Aether's attention but he stayed unfazed and continue to ignore him.

Childe sigh, he had to give up and leave the poor Aether alone.

"I guess I'm hated huh?"

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