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Whom should I ask for help......?? Umm....yes Namjoon can help with this...... yes "where is my phone....?? yeah! got it.."


Jin: hello
Namjoon: oh Jin hyung long time no see huh....
Jin: yeah.. Namjoon can you please do me a favor....
Namjoon: yeah sure why not hyung say what can I do for you
Jin: actually.... it's about Y/N *sigh*
Namjoon: what happened to her??!
Jin: (he tells everything to him) and Namjoon sorry I'm really sorry for not telling you about mom , actually we both were not in our sense...... sorry
Namjoon: no hyung it's ok I can understand what you were feeling..... but uncle became like this , I mean why...he was so opposite of this...I can't believe it.....
Jin: yeah.... Namjoon but you can see the consequences now so.... can you do something for Y/N
Namjoon: yeah! Of course I can afterall she's like my little sister
Jin: yeah I know so... when should we come to the hospital
Namjoon: you can come tomorrow
Jin: ok then.....and thank you for helping me out
Namjoon: anytime hyung... ok then


Jin: good morning sleepy head
Y/N: oh...oppa morning
Jin: here drink this coffee...how is your headache now??
Y/N: it's better.....oppa I'm sorry for yesterday's behaviour*light sobs*
Jin: it's ok don't cry , please Y/N for me.... please.....
Y/N: ok oppa.....well this coffee is tasting awesome..
Jin: 'cause it's made by me the "WORLD WIDE HANDSOME"
Y/N: oh come on oppa... please not again...
Jin: ok jokes apart but , it was not a joke , now get ready
Y/N: where are we going??
Jin: to the hospital for you-
Y/N: yes , I've  taken an appointment for you to bring you out of the pain that you're going through....
Y/N: but oppa.... you should've asked me...
Jin: asked you , to hear "NO" from you hmm??
"But oppa-" "now no more argument, getup and get ready I'm waiting for you downstairs ok" "Ne oppa"
After Y/N gets ready they set out for hospital.....



"Good morning Mr Kim" a staff greeted Namjoon " Yeah very good morning" greets back " ok so today after so many years I'll meet them" "Meet whom hyung??"said ?? "Oh Jungkook, come inside why are you standing at the door??" "I was coming inside when I heard you talking to yourself.....So! who are coming after so many years??" asked Jungkook "oh Jin hyung and Y/N are coming..... well do you remember them??" "Yeah, hyung I remember them.....but last seen them when I was teen....... So what for they're coming for visit or...... there is anything??" said Jungkook " Yeah Kook so.....you know about my friendship with Jin hyung right?? *Jungkook nods* (explains every single detail of Jin and Y/N's situation) so that's why they're coming.......I'm glad that he thought about me in the first place" "Oh poor they, life has suddenly become upside down for them" said Jungkook " Yeah....... Kook I was thinking that you should stop, what you are you doing.....I mean what you do on the other side of the world*Jungkook looks in a questioning manner*you know the dark side of-" "SHUT UP HYUNG don't tell me-" Jungkook was cut off by a knock on the door "Come in" it was Jin hyung and Y/N "Hey guys" "Hey bro" said Jin "Hello Joonie oppa" said Y/N "Oh Y/N you remember me huh?? she just nods "And you are Jungkook if I'm not wrong??" said Jin. Jungkook faced him and said"Yes hyung you're absolutely correct*shows his bunny smile*" So grown up huh!! We last met when you were teen right??" said Jin, he just nods...


After Jin and Y/N entered Namjoon's office, they greeted eachother and suddenly Y/N saw a man in his late twenties standing beside the director's desk. He wore a dark blue ripped jeans and plain white t-shirt with white converses and a doctor's coat with an attached ID which said JEON JUNGKOOK. "Oh.....so this scrumptious man standing before me is Jungkook....." Y/N thought and realised she was drooling over him, when she felt a hand waving in front of her. After that Jungkook smiled at them and went out, then they talked about
Y/N's situation and Namjoon said he would look for a psychiatrist for her and they bid their good bye and went.
Namjoon and Jungkook finished the shift and went back to home.

ŜÊĈŘÊŤŜ ÕҒ Ă PŜŶĈĤÕPĂŤĤNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ