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The sun was setting and the moon was waiting for its turn in the dark side. There stood a beautiful boy at the edge of a cliff choosing between life and death.
"Should I........ should I not....... should I...... should I not". He whispered to himself while plucking the leaves of four leaf Clover. With one leg at the edge of the cliff and the other swinging in the air ready to fall into the dark side. "Maybe today is not the day......" He said while backing off from the edge and taking place to sit on a big rock and enjoying the sunset. He took out a packet of cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, a single tear escaping his eyes as he remembered an old memory.


She took out a packet of cigarette and a lighter from her purse and placed the cigarette in between his lips while lighting it. "I thought you said you didn't like me smoking?" He spoke inhaling some of the smoke.
"Yes, and I still don't like it but it's fascinating to see you smoke. It's like you are holding death between your lips and still not dead" She replied while inhaling some of the smoke that he exhaled. True that she didn't like smoking but for now it was one of the most pleasurable feelings.
"But hey! Don't think I'm allowing you to smoke. I still hate it. It's only when I tell you to do it that you're allowed to smoke." She said in a serious tone and then they both started laughing.


He lighted the cigarette in between his lips. "Maybe not today....but I'll be coming to you soon....." He said to himself while smoking and enjoying the beautiful sunset.

This was Jungkook choosing between life and death, and laughing hysterically at himself, at the situation he was in, but on the other side a beautiful girl in her late twenties sat on her bed daydreaming about the man she had just met. But little did Y/N know that this daydream was a "NIGHTMARE" in disguise....


'The sun was rising signalling the beginning of a new day. Another beautiful day with a clear weather and birds chirping and singing in the sunshine. The sun rays reached through the windows to the beautiful lady who was fast asleep on her bed under the blanket, protected from the harsh reality and cruelty of the world outside. There slept Y/N dreaming about the man she saw yesterday. The sun rays tingled her senses waking her up from one of her most beautiful dreams. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up, enjoying the beauty of nature outside in the garden.
"Why did I have to wake up! He was going to kiss me!". She sighed to herself then got up from her bed and went outside into her garden to enjoy it's beauty in the marvelously beautiful dawn.
"Oh what a lovely day! Nice one to start my life in a new way......." She sits on the ground for sometime when she heard a loud piercing noise from inside the house, the sound of a fired bullet! She ran into the house, imaging the worst of what could have happened only to face her worst nightmare.

The living room was all messed up and every glass and marble material was shattered and on the floor Jin was heavily wounded with scratches and injuries all over his body and was panting on the floor. There stood her father infront of Jin breathing heavily with a wound on his forehead and a gun in his hand pointing straight into Jin's chest.

Even before Y/N could realize what was happening she heard a loud bang and the bullet went straight into Jin's chest. Without thinking twice she ran to her brother supporting him with her arms and crying her heart out.
"Oppa wake up...... please don't go......wake up" She managed to say in between her sobs.
"Oh Miss Y/N! Long time no see and oh what to do I won't be able to see you again, because you won't be alive till then! You know right that I can't stand you, you little shits! So say your goodbyes to eachother and Bye Bye!" Her father spoke and with that he shot Y/N with the last bullet his gun had, and with that everything was going blur and slowly nothing was visible to Y/N's eyes anymore and she thought this was the end of her, she heard a loud thundering noise, that of a lightning bolt and woke up suddenly, back into the comfort of her bed crying heavily because of the "nightmare" she just had'. Outside the house, rain was pouring heavily with loud thundering noise and lightning with every few minutes in the dark sky. She sat up from her bed and into the couch still sobbing. "I think this should really end here......" She said in between her sobs when she noticed the knife which was was kept near the fruit basket on the table. She took the knife into her right hand and with that made a deep cut on her left wrist still crying her heart out. The blood flowed non-stop until it made a small pool on the floor and until everything went blur and then black. Before blacking out, she heard someone calling her name.... "Y/N!!!!!"

This whole chapter's credit goes to @Racheldavid152005

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