chapter twelve

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They're at Nathan's first slamball game with Peyton and Lucas. Jessica is sat between Haley and Peyton, eating some popcorn. They watch as Nathan gets thrown.

"Did he get up, mama?" Jamie asks, his hand over his eyes.

"Yeah, baby, he got up." She assures. "This time." She mumbles.

"Hey." Brooke greets, sitting behind Haley. Sam sits next to Jamie. "How's he doing?"

"Well, he's in one piece for now, but I thought Owen was gonna protect him." Haley says.

"Hey, 99, thought you were gonna protect 23!" Brooke shouts. "And why don't you get over your whole fear of having children while you're at it?"

"Hey, you're short." Sam says to Jamie.

"I'm 5. What's your excuse?" Jamie asks.

"Nice. What's your name?" Sam asks.

"James Lucas Scott." Jamie answers.

"Scott, huh?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, he's teacher's pet. Hi, Sam. How uncool are you, hanging out with your teacher? It's borderline creepy." Haley says.

"Totally." Brooke agrees.

"So, what's going on here?" Sam asks, ignoring their teasing.

"It's called slamball. Dunks are worth 3 points and jump shots are worth 2 points. My daddy plays on the slashers with Owen." Jamie explains.

"You hear me, Owen? You better watch Nathan's back! Literally!" Brooke shouts.

"They used to kiss." Jamie tells the 15 year old.

"Hey, Sam, I'm Peyton. I really like your outfit, man." Peyton says.

"Thank you. It's a lot like yours, actually." Sam says. Brooke and Haley silently laugh as both Peyton and Sam deflate a bit.

"Geez, Millie, who knew you were such a sports fan." Brooke says.

"I'm not. I'm looking for Mouth." Millie says.

"Mouth and Gigi?" Brooke ask.s

"Gigi the ex?" Peyton asks.

"Gigi the college junior, the new intern, the ex with her college girl body and her college girl face." Millie spits.

"Somebody's jealous." Jessica says in a sing song voice.

"Okay." Brooke mutters as Haley lightly slaps Jessica in the arm.

"They used to kiss. Mouth and Gigi. He kisses Millicent now." Jamie states.

"I'm liking you." Sam says.

"Thanks. Mama says I'm not allowed to date yet, but daddy says it's fine." Jamie says.

"What?" Haley asks. Jessica quietly chuckles.

"Hey, P. Sayer -soon-to-be-Scott, where's your fancy fiancé?" Brooke asks.

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