chapter twenty-one

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The doorbell rings and Nathan answers it to reveal Dan.

"Hello, Nathan." Dan greets. Jessica hears this and walks over to see him.

"It's grandpa Dan. I saw it on the security cam!" Jamie exclaims, rushing to the door.


"Grandpa Dan!" Jamie cheers, hugging him.

"Hey, there, buddy. Oh, warm welcome. Nathan, Jessica, you remember my wife, Rachel." Dan says.

"You and mom are just... losing it." Jessica says.

"Yes. Of course. Well, when you and Deb are tired of my high school class, I'm sure I could rummage through some of my old middle school friends for you." Nathan jokes.

"I could find some of my current classmate." Jessica sarcastically offers.

"It's good to see you, too, Nathan, Jessica. It's funny. I used to want you to be my daddy." Rachel says making Jessica choke on her drink. "And now I'm your mommy."

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna puke." Jessica mutters.

"Nice to meet you, grandma Rachel." Jamie says.

"Aww. I remember when you were a rumor in third period." Rachel says.

"Dad, can I show grandpa Dan my new room?" Jamie asks.

"Yes. Yes, of course you can, son." Nathan allows. Jamie and Dan leave.

"Out of all Nate's classmates, he had to go for the bitchiest one?" Jessica says.


Jamie asked Jessica to come to the river court with him and Nathan and she refused at first, but he pleaded, so she came along.

"So, you and mom went to high school with grandma Rachel? Were you friends?" Jamie asks.

"Um, I'm not really sure grandma Rachel was friends with anyone." Nathan says.

"Erm... she had little things with Brooke and Mouth." Jessica recalls.

"Like grandpa Dan? I'm glad they have each other." Jamie says.

"Yeah. They're a perfect match." Nathan says.

"Dad... I have a secret. Sometimes I watch Grandpa Dan on TV. I know I'm not supposed to. I'm sorry." Jamie tells him.

"No, Jamie, it's okay. I knew you were watching. And it's okay for you to miss him. He loves you." Nathan says.

"He loves you, too. He watched all the Bobcats games. And--"


"Dad, he's different now. He helps people, like he helped us with that lady who was trying to hurt you and mom."

"One good deed doesn't make up for everything else, Jamie." Jessica grumbles, looking out at the river.

"There are things between us you can't understand, Jamie." Nathan tells his son, his tone softer than Jessica's.

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