The beginning- .5

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       On the twelfth hour on the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves went around to collect as many as he could, however he only got eight of them.
       Number eight, or Jela Hargreeves as she would be later known as, was a special case, simply because her mother had abandoned her from the start. On that twelfth hour a woman that goes by the name Marie Laurence was amongst the couple dozen not so fortunate women to be struck with those harsh birthing pains.
       Her screams of pain were ignored in that New York alleyway, she had been walking home from her job as an exotic dancer. Marie would consider it honest work, maybe, if it weren't for the fact that she was in deep debt with her boss. She was in too much trouble and having a kid, it would end up ruining her life forever.
       She had the baby in that gloomy and damp alleyway and after she collected herself she left the child to die. She called the cops anonymously, saying that she had heard a baby crying in that damned alleyway for her own consciences sake, (Jela didn't see her until she later offered her the money she would've gotten for her from Reginald out of spite, a way to say she was better off without her, but let's keep that between us).
       Reginald held that abandoned baby girl in his arms, he looked her in the eyes and when he saw that lack of emotion in her eyes the way she was so detached from everyone else.
       "She has never been held before me, how is that so?" he had asked them as they told him this shocking news.
       "No sir, we had figured we were picking up a dead body when we received the call, you came just as we set up to carefully extract her. The only issue we're having is she doesn't seem to cry or make noises, we're afraid she might not have the ability to or other such issues. We really think it's best to have her stay in the hospital with the other's you have adopted." The nurse suggests as she looks at the newborn in his arms.
       "I will be taking her home with me now, the others I will pick up when they're ready, she needs to be held by me and me alone." He says before leaving to take care of the little girl at home...
       You see, Jela to Reginald was going to be his special child, the one he treated differently to see if it revoked a different outcome, her childhood she was known as 'Daddy's favorite' but the others will never fully understand the amount of extra torment the emotionless one got as Reginald's true number one.
       That's where we move to today, when you see the outcome of the little heros, the day where numbers 1-7 were met with a weight off their shoulders, but the day number eight was met with her first ever jolt of grief... The day of Reginald Hargreeves' death.
       Jela sat there, watching her sister playing violin on that late night, she would always go out of her way to see her.. After all Vanya and Jela were the only two the others didn't exactly get along with.. She was watching when she got a call, she got up out of her seat, flashing Vanya a quick 'I'll be back' look before walking away to answer the call.
      "Unless someone died you shouldn't be calling me and you damn well know that." Jela snarls as she answers the phone, she knew that it wasn't anyone she cared about, just another one of her workers.
       "I'm sorry boss, listen, it's that damned Hero of yours again, he showed up at that small hit you had set up, a few of our guys didn't make it." The worker in question states solemnly, shaking his head and biting his lip.
       "Good, that means he feels like he saved the day, that was the point Speedy, I know you don't get it but they needed to go.. Call them, I don't know, casualties, another statistic. Whatever makes you feel better, just get someone into the coroner's office to burn, cut or even cover up those tattoos. I don't need Diego finding out about my operation, got it?" She says with lack of emotion, something that came naturally to her, however, feeling emotions, that was the hard part.
       She sighs, knowing that her workers like to call each other family, she thinks on it as she hears his silence, most likely biting his tongue. "Alright, I know what you're thinking.. I'll call a meeting with the Pit (A group of snakes), we'll get our snakes in a group and take a day off to mourn, sound good Speedy?"
       "Thanks Queeny, I'm sure their families will appreciate it, I'll make sure we send them the usual parting gift." He says, sounding more content with that outcome.
       "Don't start expecting it every time some run of the muck idiot dies to someone as bullheaded as number two, this is an exception, only because there were multiple losses at once." Jela sighs, just hanging up, about to go back in when she receives another phone call...
       "Mom, it's late, why are you calling me?" She says, false worry in her tone, she never worries, or, rather, she never feels the emotion that comes with the idea of worrying.
       That's when she hears it, the whispering of those three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, or, also known as, the Moirae... the Fates. And with those whispers starts coming the emotions, she feels the fear, the agony, the grief... "No- Mom tell me you didn't."
       "Please I need you to help me Marie-" She says, calling her by the name she had given Jela in the beginning.
       "It's Jela, and don't move a muscle, don't tell Pogo, don't call anyone else, I will be there. You are lucky I was taught to respect you as my mother otherwise I would gladly be an orphan tonight." She hung up the phone, telling Vanya that a job went wrong and she has to go, she calls one of her cars, the driver drops it off and walks away. She gets in and goes home, when she gets there she quickly works on cleaning and setting everything up to make it look like an accident, nothing remotely suggesting otherwise.
        Afterwards she quickly messes with Grace's programming, editing the cameras to remove herself, but leaving the truth about their fathers death to be found.. She went to her old room that night and for the first time since she was a child she sat there and cried...
       The news got out the next morning and Jela was there to meet number two, who had felt the need to do his own check on Reginalds death. She watched as he walked around the room, examining things and making sure there wasn't any struggle.
       "Diego, looks like you only care to visit after he's dead, mom definitely missed her st-st-stuttering stanley." She teased with a smirk, her eyes showing a slight glint of mischief, even with the circumstances she has to act like herself, even though she hates how she feels she can't show that she does feel.
       He throws a knife at her and she doesn't even flinch as that knife flies directly next to her head, the wind from it moving her jet black hair. "When did you last see dad, Marie."
         She snarls a bit, absolutely loathing that name, her two toned eyes going darker at the sound of it. "You can say what you wish about me and call me what you wish, but don't you dare insinuate that I killed my father." Her voice cracks a bit, her eyes watering a bit, normally it would make people feel remorse or pity, but for Diego, it scared him to see Jela tear up like that.. An emotional Jela is a deadly one. Which means, if Reginald did die from murder Jela would have them dealt with already... Unless they were family, and she only considers a few people family.. He better call Allison and make sure she's alive at some point... Just in case.
       "Calm your tits or at least cover them, what the hell are you wearing anyways?" He says, getting distracted by her all too revealing outfit.
She couldn't help but smile a little at that response, blinking her tears away and shaking her head. "You're such an idiot, you know that?" She says, looking down at her black sweatpants, combat boots and crop top.
       "I'm not an idiot, you just have the same IQ as that one dude with the apple." He says, playing dumb to try and break through those walls she has been building up, they used to be close when they were teens and even young adults, he still likes to believe he knows her better than anyone. He knows how to make her smile at least.
        She lets out a small laugh, smiling a bit. "You and I both know you damn well remember who Issac Newton is, stop playing dumb."
       "Tell anyone I did that and we're going to have another match like when we were twelve." He warns before he starts to leave to sneak into the coroner's office.
        "You cheated! We considered the choke hold against the rules prior to the match!" She frowns something close to a pout.
        "I adapted Miss 'I can see the future' maybe talk to your witches next time!" He shouts back, only to have a shelf that had been holding up perfectly well their whole lives fall directly on top of him.
       She burst out laughing as she watches him stand back up in the hallway, holding his head. "That's what you get for calling the three Goddesses of fate witches! You never learn." he scoffs and just leaves without another comment. Jela goes and sits in the living room, looking at the painting of her old favorite sibling before texting Vanya. I'm sorry I wasn't with you when you found out.. You have to come to the funeral or else we'll have to have one for one of the others soon after, love you.

Jela Hargreeves; The Favorite ChildWhere stories live. Discover now