I'm no 'world's greatest detective'

Start from the beginning

"I promise I'll drop you home, just stop crying." Danny nodded as he tried to stop his tears but they kept flowing. "I'm gonna open your hands but don't you dare try anything funny!" He did as promised, allowing Danny to wipe his tears. Red Hood silently placed a glass of water in front of him before picking up his chair. "As you can see, I'm not good at this kid. So let's keep it simple?" Danny drank the water, giving the man a small nod. Why did Bruce ever have such an unpredictable and unstable man look for him? He was grateful to be saved but this man was not the same man he met that night. This was the man he read about but ......... he was the same man?

"W-hy are you still using the voice modifier?" Danny did not know where the courage to ask the man a question came from but he took it. He was beginning to doubt if the man ever intended to hurt him. Maybe scare him but hurt - the ghost in Danny did not believe he would. The man who saved him had to be in there somewhere. Taking the silence as the answer, Danny shut his mouth.

"You don't want the ned-"

"No!" There was silence between the two as they stared into each other's eyes. Or Danny stared into the holes in the mask, where the man's eyes should be.

"Let's make a deal; No needles but in return, you don't tell brother dearest or Brucie of our little time together. Tell'em I found you in some shit hole." Danny took a deep breath as he considered the offer. On one hand, he could keep his secret safe but on the other, would that be a good idea? Not that Danny would ever tell Bruce or brother dearest? Was he referring to Mr. Grayson but how could the Red Hood know? Did he know Mr. Grayson? Danny could never imagine Mr. Grayson befriending a gang lord / anti-hero......... the man was awfully kind...... "What's it gonna be kid?"

"Deal?" It was a question more than an answer but Red Hood accepted it. Red Hood glanced at his phone before turning to him.

"You're about to be real famous kid." At Danny's confusion, Red Hood only smirked. "Let's skip all the small talk. I did a lil digging and Wa-La! I find out you're not what you seem. " Danny stilled at Red Hood's words. He couldn't find his voice to object, reply or make a single sound. "A small little town, rumored to be haunted by ghosts. There lives a boy, Danny Fenton and a town hero Danny Phantom," Red Hood paused, observing Danny. "Danny Fenton's parents are ghost hunters who despise ghosts but their lil boy - to me and a lot of others- is friends with Danny Phantom. Shall I continue?" Danny gulped as he forced his lips to move.

"W.....W-w-hat's you're p-oin-t?" It was barely above a whisper but he knew Red Hood heard by the smile the man had on his face.

"I'm no 'world's greatest detective' but seems to me like we 're on to something." Red Hood glanced at his phone once again, frowning as he typed something. "Look kid, I don't care who you're friends with or what you do. There's only one thing I gotta know," he paused, looking into Danny's blue orbs. "Where do I find this Danny Phantom?" Danny's body temperature rose by every passing second. Sweat dripped down his forehead as his breathing fastened. Red Hood's eyes did not leave him for a second.

"Why?" It was a squeal but Hood heard.

"Because I could use...........his skills.........The less you know the better." Red Hood killed people. Why would someone like him need Danny Phantom? Did he want him to kill someone? Shadow? Or...... did he want to experiment? Danny dug his nails further into the chair, gathering all his ghost courage.

"I don't know where he is-"

"You know. Don't push my patience kid but if it gives you any reassurance, I'm not going to hurt him. It's a simple mission; he goes in undetected and comes out." The ghost in Danny urged him to believe the man's words but how could he? This man once saved his life but today, he dragged him to some unknown place, attempted to take his blood, tied him, threatened him and now wants to know about Danny Phantom!

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