Bruce Wayne

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Thank you for reading and enjoy! (Note at the end)

"When will you learn Master Wayne?" The old butler gave the man one last glance before heading upstairs. Bruce - Batman sat alone in the cold, dark cave. Only seconds ago the cave had felt too small for them yet now it was as large as the ocean. He didn't want this. He only wanted to protect all his boys.

Bruce Wayne had missed his sons terribly. He regretted not being part of his youngest's life for so long and just when he had the opportunity to change that, the world needed saving. He missed another two years. How his heart swelled with pride but also shame as he watched his youngest and oldest play Batman and Robin. It took courage to look his oldest in the eyes, the boy he burdened with responsibilities. The boy had grown into a fine young man.

Bruce didn't think there was anything he could do for Dick. When the boy requested for him to become the legal guardian for his biological brother, Bruce couldn't have been happier. Danny was just like his other sons. Even though Bruce had only known him for two days, he was already feeling attached to the boy but good things never last forever. No, they certainly don't.

It was the morning after Danny had disappeared for the first time when he received the call. It wasn't his first time receiving a call from child services however this one was different. No matter what he said, the odds were against him. He feared he would lose his family. He promised them everything he could from regular therapy sessions to regular inspections. He agreed to the therapist they recommended after doing a background check. Friend or not, they were in Gotham. His instincts told him that would not be enough.

His sons had grown into fine young men but to him, they were still children. As their father, he would protect them. With a few strings here, a little cash there, he found a man who in power was nothing compared to Bruce Wayne yet somehow had everything wrapped around his fingers. Vlad Masters, Mayor of Amity Park. The man would stop at nothing to become Danny's legal guardian. Bruce knew Danny nor the others would be happy with his decision but he had to introduce the boy as one of the Waynes. The power the name Wayne carried was far greater than Masters.

Danny's constant disappearing was ageing the man more than he would admit. If there was anything Bruce hated was being in the darkness. He immediately began his investigation on the fragile boy but new problems arose everyday. First Vlad Masters then an ex-government agency. He knew Dick wanted to spend time with his brother but the agency seemed highly interested in Gotham. With a heavy heart, he ignored the boy's arguments and sent him away. It was not the first time he became the villain in his son's eyes. He missed the old days when he was the best hero in his son's eyes. 

Jason somehow always found Danny however unlike the other times, he didn't make remarks. He simply began his own investigation but unlike Bruce, he went to Amity Park. Bruce suspected Danny had said something for Jason suddenly want to take a trip to Amity Park. Though his suspicion was wrong, Jason had seen scars. Scars a young boy should not have. 

Bruce was shocked to learn of the boy's abilities. The boy seemed so fragile but could destroy the world in the snap of a finger. He still cared for the boy but he had to take precautions. He had yet to find the boy's weakness. His boys constantly interacted with powerful beings so this should have been no different yet it was. For one, he didn't know of just how powerful the boy truly was and two, he didn't know of his weaknesses. He would never isolate the boy but he had to keep an eye on him. How could he do that with Jason and Dick taking the boy to who knows where? 

It didn't take long for the world's greatest detective to connect the dots. Vlad Masters was just like Danny. He made sure to keep Amity Park out of the eyes of the Justice League. The ex-government agency, Guys in White was after Danny. Unlike Jason, Dick did not know of his brother's secret. Bruce was quick to delete any and all data on Danny from the GIW's system. He hated not being in control. Danny brought with him things that were beyond his control. Perhaps it was that, that bothered him most. 

"You should certainly not do that Master Bruce." Alfred repeatedly told him. He wished he had listened but it was too late. He had pushed his sons away. Once again, he was alone because of the mistakes he made. Bruce sighed one last time, changing out of his Bat-suit. He slowly made his way up the stairs, into the empty manor. Even Batman needed one night off. One night to become composed, to be human.

He was no world's greatest detective when it came to emotions. He regretted not having enough faith in all his sons. They were more than capable of taking on any challenge that came their way. Danny, who had been fighting for his town since fourteen was strong enough. He must have been tempted to use his power for himself yet he didn't. If only Bruce had realized sooner. If only he could be more reliable......

"A sincere apology would be the right course of action Master Wayne," Alfred handed him a glass of wine. "The boys are at Master Jason's....'friend's' apartment." Bruce dismissed the butler with a small nod. He was grateful to have Alfred. What would he do without him?

While Bruce planned his apology, life had another plan in mind. One that did not include his apology. How could it when Dan was around? How could Danny be allowed a family other than Dan? No, Dan would ensure Danny only had one person - No one ghost, Dan.


Hey guys! Long time since I've been here. 

So time to confess: I don't think I became the best me over the short/long break but I don't think I became the worst me either. I just learned a few things about myself. One being that writing isn't something I wanna give up and posting here actually helps me. 

I learned I need to learn how to face my problems and not give up. I have lost my motivation towards my goal as I learned that my goal is not my dream neither my goal to begin with. 

I'm not brave enough yet to face all my problems but I'll get there. 

Anyways; I'm back. Though I don't have a fixed schedule.....I'm back! 

Thank you everyone for your support!

How's everyone been? I hope well.

Can't believe it's May! Any fun plans?


Be safe and remember to keep fighting! 

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