'Creepy little boy with creepy little powers'

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Could he find his place?

Danny used his pillows to block the voices with little success. Where was Mr. Grayson? Or Jason? 

"Master Bruce -"

"No Alfred. This is for his own good -" 

Danny could not take anymore of the conversation. That was the price of his enhanced hearing; He never got to select what he heard. Turning into his ghost half, Danny left the manor. They would discover he was missing. That was a fact but he couldn't care less. He did not ask for any of this. Not for this crazy family and especially not for therapy.

'What are you?' 

Danny flew faster and higher, running from his own thoughts. Just once, he wanted to be a normal teenage boy. His vision blurred by the second. 

'A ghost trying to fit in with humans?'

He was human. At least he wanted to believe he was. 

'Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?' 

Danny crashed into a wall as Spectra's words repeated in his head. He was not a monster. He was human. Or was he? Bruce didn't understand anything. Therapy was meant to help people but for Danny, it had always reminded him of his place. He did not belong in the human or ghost world. He was a half. No one could understand what it felt to always be alone. To know your different. The one person he trusted - he refused to think of Vlad. Everyone must be happy with his absence. No Ghost boy preventing anyone from getting their revenge. No disappointment of a son. No loser to pick on. No guinea pig for experiments. All he ever wanted was to fit in. To find a place where he could be himself yet he only ended up more isolated. A droplet of water landed on Danny's cheek before the rain poured down. His tears mixed with the rain droplets as he hugged his knees.

'Creepy little boy with creepy little powers....'

Danny painfully opened his dry eyes. He flew into the air as he took in his new surroundings. He was sure he was on a roof top last night yet he woke up in the manor? It had to be a dream. How could he be back in his room? Maybe he never left. Glancing across his room, he spotted the drenching clothes from last night. Someone changed his clothes? Danny could hear nothing but his thumping heart as he tried to prevent a panic attack. He felt sick to his stomach but that could be the cause of the heat. He quickly opened all the windows and turned off the heat. He could have died. Why would anyone turn -

"Going anywhere Master Danny?" Alfred grabbed Danny's hand before he could fall off the balcony. 

"You have got to stop doing that!" Alfred raised an eyebrow before returning to the room. "How do you sneak up like that?" Alfred placed his clothes from last night in the laundry before making his bed. Danny felt like a child. Alfred didn't need to do that but he insisted. 

"Same way you leave the manor." A cold shiver ran down Danny's spine as Bruce stepped into the room. "Care to explain?"

"No?" A small whisper was all he could mutter under the man's gaze. Bruce could make Pariah Dark cry under that glare. 

"I have scheduled an appointment with Doctor Leslie-"

"First a therapist and now a doctor? You like to be in control, don't you?" Danny was tired of letting 'adults' make decisions for him. Who gave Bruce the right? Not Danny.

"You will not speak to me in that tone, young man. Is that clear?" Bruce's authoritative tone almost made Danny nod his head in agreement. Almost. The ghost in him refused to take orders from the man.

Ghosts in GothamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora