Tired of Bruce

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"I have signed you up for therapy -"

"No Alfred. This is for his own good -"

Two more years

And then he could.

Danny bathed in the rare sun of Gotham as Titus and Ace wrestled around the garden. Watching them, he was reminded of Cujo, the ghost dog. Maybe he could bring him here. He was certain Bruce nor Alfred would be troubled. After all, a new animal friend accompanied Damian home almost everyday.

"Danny!" Danny took in one deep breath as he made his way inside. It was rare for Bruce to call for him and he liked that. Out of all the residents of the manor, it was Bruce that terrified him. Bruce stood in the middle of the living room, finishing his conversation on the phone.

"Yes?" Bruce ended his call and waved for Danny to follow. Danny however did not move an inch. "Where are we going?"

"We're leaving for your therapy appointment." Bruce left no room for arguments, only adding fuel to Danny's anger and dislike for the man. They never discussed this, let alone agree to it. Bruce could not do as he pleased! This was Danny's life. "Alfred will pick-"

"I'm not going," Danny hissed through his gritted teeth.

"I was not asking," Bruce glared at him. "This is for your own good. Trust me Danny, I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't -"

"How do you know what's best for me? Have you considered that I may, I don't know have been more traumatized by therapy than anything else? Oh wait, you never even asked!" Bruce's eyes softened as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulders but the boy was anything but pleased. "Please Bruce."

"I know how scary this can be but you need this. I have the best therapist in Gotham scheduled to meet you and trust me, things are going to get better. All the bottled up pain, you're going to learn how to channel it properly so that your friends, family and you, can be happier." Danny did not want to listen to a word the man said however did he really have a choice? Bruce was his guardian and if him going to therapy made everyone happy then why shouldn't he? Was it because he didn't know how to channel his emotions that everyone left him? Why Sam, Tucker and Jazz wouldn't take his calls? Was there something wrong with him? Did he need to change himself to be happy? Who should he change, Fenton or Phantom?

"Perhaps Master Danny should take a seat while I have a word with you, Master Bruce?" Alfred interrupted the two. Bruce and Alfred excused themselves to the hallway, not that it would make a difference. For once, Danny was glad he had enhanced hearing. Did Alfred feel the same as Bruce? "Master Bruce, I understand your actions but perhaps you should take in consideration of the young master's wishes -"

"I don't want him to turn out like -"

"He has the other young masters and us to guide him. You're words and actions will certainly paint you as unapproachable in the young master's mind-"

"I'm not his father and nor do I need his affection. However I do need him to -"

Danny rushed out the door of the manor as his vision blurred. Bruce was right. He was not his father yet the words stung. He had thought perhaps Bruce had his own way of displaying affection but he was wrong. Bruce had four amazing sons. Why would he need another one? Especially one as useless and broken as him? He allowed Danny into his home for Mr. Grayson. The least Danny could do for the man was attend a therapy session, no matter how much he despised it.

"The peasant is outside, father!" Danny took in one deep breath as Bruce stepped outside. He watched as Bruce's shoulders relaxed as he spotted Danny. He must be glad to not have one more episode of finding the runaway teenager. Danny shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting for Bruce to get the car. He still had not discovered how, no matter where he ran, he was always returned to the manor. If attempt one or two were anything to go by, he was convinced Bruce had connections to some, if not all, of the vigilantes in Gotham. Not to mention, he had a suspicion Bruce was monitoring his internet searches and controlling the results he received. But that had to be crazy.

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