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Rain dared to pour on them as the wind pushed him towards the manor. Danny flew against the wind, while trying to keep Sam safe. An ominous feeling crept through his core. He ignored Sam's voice, only thinking of Dani. They were two blocks away. Two blocks.

He shivered as the familiar cold breath left his mouth. Ghost! He did not dare hope it was Dani as another breath left his mouth followed by another then another. Without another thought, he put Sam down on the nearest rooftop. She held the same fear he tried to hide. Danny was not afraid of ghosts.

No, he had been fighting them ever since he got his powers. Neither was he afraid that there were more than four. He was Danny Phantom. The halfa. Ghost boy. Hero of Amity Park. Slayer of King Pariah Dark.

So what was the fear running through his core? The ominous feelings that threatened to swallow him?


"You need to run Sam. Take Dani to the man-"

"You don't have the Fenton thermos! I'm not leaving you!" Sam, Tucker and Jazz had been by his side, no matter how tough the fight. He could not ask for a better team or friends but his ghost half urged him to keep her away. It was like a ghostly instinct that had never been wrong.

"I know." He hugged her before kissing her forehead. "Sam, you need to get to Dani and run." He grabbed her phone, quickly adding Jason's number. It was one of the five numbers he had memorized by heart. Mostly because he spent so much time calling him. "Call Jason and give him the thermos. Sam, I don't want you or Dani to join the fight. Please." He handed her the phone, flying towards the ghosts. He wanted to blame Bruce for revealing his location but when was he hiding? Who was he hiding from?

"Ghost child! We meet again," Skulker threw an ecto net at him. Danny easily dodged.

"Skulker," the crazy ghost hunter. Danny formed two ecto blasts but lowered his hands at Skulker's complexion. Skulker's robotic armor was more dented than not. His flaming green hair, not so flaming. He looked .........defeated. "What happened to you?"

"You should worry more about yourself Ghost boy!" Ember's guitar echoed through the sky. Danny formed a green shield. Sadly, the shield could not save his ears.

"Did you forget how to play the guitar?" The angry guitarist glared at him, sending another blast his way. "Did I hit a sour spot?" He mocked her. He should really shut his mouth but he couldn't help it.

"Ghost child, we have found you," Technus gathered all the tech pieces from the building beside them.

"You must be really proud. What was the hardest challenge; using google maps?" Everyone knew where Danny Fenton was. He was reconsidering not blaming Bruce.

"Teenagers, always full of energy." Danny didn't reply, only blasting Spectra with his powers. He held no grudges against her but ever since he came to Gotham, her words kept repeating in his head. 'Creepy little boy with creepy little-' ignoring all the other ghosts, he attacked her first. Her surprise was all Danny needed to send her flying towards the ground.

"Surrender ghost scum!" He didn't know who said it as all of them came at him once. He turned intangible, all their attacks going through him. With glowing green eyes, he countered every attack but four against one and that one not having fought for a month was not in his favor. If it had been two years ago, he would have been laying on the ground but now, he only had a few scratches.

"What's up with you guys? Skulker, I can understand but why are the rest of you here?" Skulker was the crazy hunter but why were the others here? Revenge? No, he doubted they would chase him all the way to Gotham. Shouldn't they be happily enjoying not being defeated by him?

"Sadly Daniel, they do not have much of a choice." He didn't see Vlad, taking his blast head on. "I wish we met under better circumstances-"

"Really?" Danny threw ice spears at the man. He was the reason his life had turned upside down. Danny didn't hold anything back, duplicating himself and circling Vlad. Vlad duplicated himself, matching each of Danny's copies. Danny couldn't control his duplicates to the same extent as Vlad but he could at least make them copy his actions, blasting at the Vlad in front of them. In his moment of fury, he forgot about the other four.

He shielded himself against Ember but not Spectra. His little outburst of emotions turned the table and not in his favor. He felt his ice core slowly freezing his chest. He fell to the streets, holding his chest. He had never felt so cold in his life, not even the time he discovered his ice core. The pain in his chest was far more worse than his fall. Skulker's net trapped him to the ground. The ground beneath him, the net above him and the air around him froze. Ice formed around his body. The ominous feeling returned.

"We meet again." Danny shivered not only from the cold but fear. He could never forget the deep voice. The voice that would eventually belong to him. Dan.

"" Dan shouldn't exist. Danny promised himself he would never turn into his darker half. He would never become evil. Dan shouldn't exist. More importantly, he shouldn't be here. ""

"I am you. You will turn into me." Danny couldn't reply. Something was wrong with his core. The closer Dan got, the colder it became. "Or you will die-" a bullet flew through Dan's chest.

"I knew it...," The shooter sighed. Danny glanced at the man in the black helmet as he muttered curses. Dan gestured to Skulker who blasted the man across the street. Danny didn't know the man in the black helmet but was glad his heart was still beating. "......asshole....." Before Skulker could move, he was sucked into the Fenton thermos.

"Six against one, that's just unfair." Danny wanted to scream at Dick - Nightwing to run but all he could do was watch his older brother.

".....Am I invisible?" The man in the black helmet groaned as he stood up. "Nightwing." Nightwing hesitated for a moment, glancing his way before handing the man a Fenton thermos.

"Point. Press." He simply stated before dodging attacks left and right. The other man, a bit unsteady on his feet, joined the fight. Danny could only hope for the best as he held his freezing chest. Dan watched them with an amused smirk.

"The past me, never got to meet or find out about our blood family. Don't worry, I'll end that older brother and that ghost clone. I'll make her death even more painful this time." Through all his pain, Danny gathered his energy for one wail. Dan, as if reading his mind, moved in the direction of Nightwing. Danny closed his mouth, knowing all too well; Nightwing would be more hurt than Dan. Dan kicked him before creating a ghost portal and disappearing. "We shall meet again......if you're still alive."

Nightwing and the man had taken down Spectra and Technus but were struggling with Vlad and Spectra. Seeing Dan had retreated, the two followed after him. Vlad gave him a sad look before following after Spectra. The pain and cold lessened with each passing second.

"We make a pretty good te-"

"Does Jason know you were-"

"Let's not get carried away. I only said we make a good team-" Both Nightwing and the man shut up as the familiar sound of wheels made its way to them.

"DANNY!" Red Hood wrapped him in his jacket. "Are you still alive kid?" Danny glared at him. Really? Alive? "Why the F-" Jason stopped, looking at Danny. "Fudge are you two standing there? We have to get him out of here before B-"

"B what Red Hood?" A deep voice cut him off. Exhausted from his pain, Danny transformed into his human half. His eyes closing against his will.

"Ttt imbeciles."

A/N: Like and comment!

Hey guys! How are you? I hope well! I suck at fighting scenes so bear with me. Writing about the cold, makes me want to get a cup of hot chocolate. 

What's your favorite season; spring, summer, fall, winter? 

-Mine is summer, simply because I hate being cold.



Be safe and stay warm (unless you need to stay cold like Danny.)


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