Left to go get food, not to hang out with Lauren. Think that joke was used to soon my bad if it is. Text me when you wake up even if you're angry, that's all I gotta say - the best boyfriend on earth

She read making her laugh a little, she wasn't angry she felt a little insecure about him hanging with his ex girlfriend, his only ex girlfriend, and his first love.

"told you to text me when you got up" he said disrupting her from her thoughts

"I just got up" she said

"I got you waffles"

"Thanks" he said taking it from him and sitting it on her desk, he could tell her energy was off and he knew why.

"Aubrey, I won't go around her if it bothers you" he said. The last thing he wanted was the ruin what he had with Aubrey over an acquaintance.

"No it's ok, I know it'll be complicated since she's technically in your friend group and I trust you, it just makes me a little jealous but I have no reason to be right?" She said looking up at him

"Mhm" he kissed her before taking a seat next to her. She kept her old desk chair in the closet because she was simply a hoarder.

Her words made Josiah feel a sense of guilt and relief, not because he had done anything but even after admitting what he did made her feel a type of way, she allowed him to do so. He made a mental note to stay away from Lauren as much as he could.

"Why haven't you been painting?" He asked, usually Aubrey would work have a canvas on her easel.

"I've been busy, I haven't had no..inspiration for a painting right now" she said shrugging

"Artist's Block?"


"Maybe it's because you haven't been with me in a while"

"You're so full of yourself" she said sticking her fork in his hash browns.

"Aubrey you don't even like these" he said. He hated sharing his food, which is why he got Aubrey exactly what she wanted.

"They look really good, don't be so stingy" she said eating it as he gave her a look.

"I'm not stingy, you have your own food"

"But I want yours" she said taking another piece of his hash browns.

"I'll buy you your own next time" he said

"Can you take me on a date tonight? I mean I don't want to sound like I'm nagging you or anything but-" She asked

"All you have to do is ask Bre, yes we can go on a date and you're not nagging me" he said.

He noticed Aubrey always tried to soften what she said like she walked on egg shells around him some times.

"Ok well I miss going on dates and doing this with you, this past week it's been all about you and Leah and I know that you guys are in this honeymoon phase or whatever but I just want you to make time for me"

"I already said yes Aubrey"

"I know but I-I'm trying to be more vocal about my feelings"

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