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"Today you'll be working on your projects, a lot of you haven't submitted the name of your app meaning you're already behind so I'm allowing you to work in class, so no lecture today" she said giving Aubrey a sense of relief.

"I guess she called us out huh?" Josiah said standing over Aubrey's desk.

"Yeah we're already behind, do you have any ideas?" Aubrey asked

"I was thinking we make some kind of shopping app" he said

"Okay, that works for me, what if it was an app where you can find the lowest price on whatever you're trying to buy?" She asked

"Sounds good, what about a name?"

"I came up with the concept, plus I'm pretty bad at this whole business thing so you can name it"

"If you're bad at business why are you in a marketing class" he asked laughing a little.

"I thought it'd be easy, I'm not actually into having a business, What about you?" She asked

"I'm a business major" he said

"So you want to have a business?" She asked

"Well yeah, me and my dad have a deal that if I graduate from college I get shares of his business" he explained.

"Is that what you wanted to do?"

"Well I wanted to make comic books but my dad said it wasn't realistic so here I am"

"Oh, so you're an artist?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah I like to draw, it spaces me out if that makes sense" Aubrey knew exactly what he meant. When she drew or painted she felt like only she was around and it was her happy place.

"Yeah it does make sense, I'm an artist too"


"Yeah I paint and do sculptures sometimes"

"Oh, well I guess you could make the logo for the app if you want" he said. He really just wanted to see her work. He hadn't met anyone artsy before.

"Yea I guess I could, you might want to draw something just in case Professor Harris finds an issue with mine." Aubrey wanted to see his art as well but she also knew how picky the teacher was so she also made the decision to make them scrap it.

"Cool with me, May the best logo win"

"You wanna make this a competition?" She asked

"We could, I mean I draw pretty good"

"Hm okay, may the best logo win" she said already trying to brainstorm an idea. The two worked on their project and kept a light conversation until class ended.
"Aubrey I'm going to Wendy's you wanna come or you want something back, I know you haven't eaten anything" Raven her roommate asked peaking her head in Aubrey's room.

"I guess I'll go"

"Woww, you're coming out the house for once that's new" Raven said

"I go out the house a lot"

"School and work don't count"

"Well that's enough outdoor time for me" She said shrugging and putting on a jacket since it was October and it was getting cold outside.

"Soo what's new in your life?" Raven asked once they'd gotten in the car. Aubrey was pretty closed off and didn't make conversation unless she was asked while Raven was the opposite.

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