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*Do I have to?* she signed in the waiting room to Josiah

"You said you would" he spoke

"Yeah but I don't know about this, I have to just spill my guts and everything to someone I don't know?"

"Just talk about what you're comfortable talking about, I don't think she expects you to open up to her the first session. These things take time" he explained

"It's a woman? And I only agreed to one session Josiah" Aubrey definitely didn't feel like

"Yes it's a woman, let's just see how this goes alright"

"Ok" she said before her name was called. Aubrey looked back and Josiah who gave her a reassuring smile as she entered the room.

"Hello Aubrey, I'm Dr.Rogers"


"So tell me a little bit about yourself" she suggested

"I'm 19, and I like to paint"

"That's all?" She wanted her to go in depth a little more but didn't want to seem invasive.

"I work at footlocker and I go to school" she said

"How's that going for you"

"My job is fine so is school" she kept things on the surface, since school and her job weren't the issue.

"Let's talk about family" she says making Aubrey shift in her seat.

"Um I don't really have a typical one, my dad is dead so I'm not really familiar with his side of the family and my mom is an addict who typically leaves me for periods at a time" she explained

"Do you have trouble forming relationships with new people?"

"No not really" she answered but putting any thought to the question.

"Do you ever go out your way to get to know someone?" She asked.

"No, I stay to myself mostly"

"Why is that?"

"I don't know I just like to" she said shrugging. Aubrey saw nothing wrong with not being outgoing and an introvert but she did wonder why she was that way.

"What was it like growing up?"

"Um it was good until my dad died, after that it was just ok, not bad or good" she explained


"I didn't have any parents and I was being raised by a 21 year old at 10. I rarely ever ate home-cooked dinners unless my grandma made it" she explained

"I guess I should just skip to the reason I'm really here. Sometimes I get jealous of my boyfriend and I don't like it" she decided to her straight to the point, she was ready to go.

"What does he have that you don't?"

"He's perfect, even with the deafness. It's like that adds to his charm" she smiled thinking about him.

"How long have you two been together?"

"Just a couple of months but it feels like longer, I really love him and I know he feels the same about me and that's what makes me so sad because he doesn't deserve me resenting him because of the stuff he can't change" she explained

"Have you told him about this jealousy?" She asked, Aubrey simply nodded.

"That's a good start, I suggest you stop comparing yourself to him and get some closure Aubrey. I can tell your childhood left you scarred and a lot of it you haven't dealt with. Try to see the good in your life and worry less about others" she went on.

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