Moments of Resolution (Introduction)

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Youko's mind changed, upon the realization of her past.

However, the disdainful look against Sen never changed, because that is the pinnacle of why her past was ruined.

However Sen, did everything for a loved one. The choice for him was one way or another. The desperation of the Seki people for money fueled the house of Kakushiwa.

In the end, who was correct after all? The young girl who yearns revenge for the man who didn't do anything to save those innocent people? Or the man, who prioritized his wife above all others?

Leaving that question hanging, the book of the second-to-the-last arc opens, serving as a bridge to the last arc, Kakurasu arc.

The Ninja-Seeking Club members still have some unanswered calls and questions, desires to be fulfilled.

And with the remaining 2 weeks before the upcoming war, they spend the last of their times with their loved ones, as maybe, and just maybe, this will be their last moments on earth.

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