Catastrophic Train (1)

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Sen: I'm asking you, You're staying here, Or going with us?

Akari: Going... *sob*... where?

Sen: MEA, We'll bring your mother to MEA to ensure she has protection against those bastards.

Akari: O-Of course I'm going!

Sen: I see. I thought you might have a traumatic shock in which you still need time and space to think things through but, I see you're perfectly calm.

Akari: Of course! I can't afford to be shocked at this point!

Sen: That's the spirit, now, Myu, if you would please...

Myu: H-Here it goes! 

Myu transforms into her dark form and raised her arms, but...

Myu: Huh? W-Why won't it cast?

No matter how much she tried, The portal wasn't summoning. 

Sen: Probably because you used too much energy in summoning those in the past hours, Shinjiro, did you bring your vehicle with you?

Shinjiro: Yes sir! But... It's only a motorcycle, So I can only have 2 persons with me

Sen: More than enough, Beretta, bring Mari with you and rush to MEA. We'll take the subway train, Is that okay with you kids?

Lily: I have no objections whatsoever.

Akari: The ninja seeking club has no objections!

Nanao: But, what about this house?

Sen: Saving Mari is much more important, Zina, May I leave this house to you?

Zina: G-Go ahead.

Sen: And, I want you to tell the story when we get back. This is just too important to just let it slide

Zina: Go on... I'll take care of things here,

Sen: You have my gratitude. Shinjiro, Beretta, Go.

Shinjiro and Beretta: Understood! 

Shinjiro carried Mari outside while Beretta prepared the vehicle and they hurriedly dashed too MEA

Sen: Now, we should be on our way. Let's go!

Everyone: Okay!!


"Although I'm quite baffled, why Mari Hanao?"

"Because she's the one that bears the information about the "thing" we want to get. Want we information about it, and the one whom knows it all is her"

"Divine weapons take a lot of work, I can tell we're not gonna get our hands on that Izumo easily, Why does Master need the Izumo anyways?"

"Master needs it for something important, dare not bid as thee won't understand such thing"

"Whatever. How are we gonna go home?"

"I do lack to experience the modern orb moe, so I resolve to hie using the modern subway electric train"

"Then let's go, I'll let you goof around just this time"

"goof around? Thee are wrong, this trip isn't for mere entertainment"

Kaori giggled as they slowly made their way to the subway.


We hurriedly made our way towards the next train. Luckily, we got in time. We quickly got our ticket and boarded the train

Sen: We made it, that took quite some breath

Kazuki: This is *pant* the first time in a *pant* l-long time I've sprinted this long and fast!

Nanao: I-I c-can't anymore! *pant*

We all took a seat, catching our breath

Sen: You're lucky in this car there are not many people around. 

"Still, I feel something is strange here, " Sen thought to himself as he examines the whole car. It's indeed strange, There was no one there except them. He walked over to the door connecting the adjacent car. He peered in the window, there was no one in the other car also, which strikes him a very, very strange feeling of nervousness, like something really, really bad is gonna happen. 

He turned around and faced the ninja seeking club. 

Sen: Kids, Stay focused, I'm sensing something pretty menacing here

Ricka: Are we gonna fight?

Sen: I'm not certain, but, Let me tell you, I have a very strange feeling about this. The atmosphere is.....very eerie

As he was talking, the train began moving.

Kaede: I also feel somewhat... strange. With us being the only person here adds up another thing.

Nanao: Now that you've mentioned it... We're the only one..... here.

Yamabuki: This is a classic horror setting

Myu: Is something gonna pop out of here?!!!

Nanao: Now is not the time to be fascinated by your fantasies Myu!! There might be some real ghosts and monsters that are just gonna pop out of nowhere!

Ricka: G-Ghost?

Sen: Don't think too childishly and foolishly! There's no way that those things exist! Think about this seriously!

Nanao: E-Eek!! So-Sorry!!!!1

Just then, We heard the door connecting our car to the next car open. Entering was 2 people, One man, and one woman. They both wore heavy coats and several face accessories that almost cover up their whole faces.

Sen: Seems like there are other people too.

Kaede: T-T-They a-a-are n-n-not-

We turned to Kaede to see her trembling in her seat, wide eyes open as she held Sen's sleeves very tightly and slightly hides behind him.

Sen: Ka..ede?

Just then, She quickly grabbed her fan then, 

Kaede: Forbidden Jutsu!!!

She swung her fan downwards, forming a thick, water foothold underneath us, Just then, We heard something violently pounding on the ground underneath us, Like it's trying to force its way from under.

Sen: Jump back!!

We all jumped back and as we did, Several bladed tentacles come violently emerging from the underground...

Kazuki: That tentacles...

Akari: It's the same as the one with my Mom!

Sen: SO.... They're the pillars?!

"Oh mine, if it isn't the ninja seeking club, the current nemesis of Kakurasu. What a freaky coincidence in meeting thou hither"

"Sen.. My word has happened. We finally met once more."

Sen: Public attack in the outside world? A very interesting move of yours

"Outside world? what art thee talking about? behold outside, feast thy eyes with the quite quaint scenery outside this world"

Kazuki: I don't understand what is she saying,

Ricka: Same here...

Sen: Damn, Looks like this was planned. Look outside lads.

As instructed, we looked outside and to our horror, outside was... pitch black.. no other colors whatsoever. I moved closer and peeked outside just to be sure. My mind is not playing tricks, We're in a pitch-black void. 

Achilles: Right now, You're inside a portal, slowly making its way towards the Kakurasu headquarters,

Everyone: What?!

Kaori: And rejoiceth! for the higher echelons of Kakurasu, art patiently and fain waiting for thy arrival there!

Sen: Damn, Who knew this was a trap..


Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now