A Curse To Remember (A Forewarning from another Goddess) (Finale)

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Youko: Wake up, you three.

Then, her eyes began shining in a tint of greenish color.

Then in the next second, their stopped heart, finally beated again.

They slowly opened their eyes,

Enju: Kazuki, Hotaru, Akari!

Yamabuki: Finally awake! Rise and shine!

Tengge: *giggle* this all ends on a good note.

However, Kaede still finds herself glaring at Youko.

Youko: The fate for Sen was rather... Certain. I would have still killed him even if it was all the other way around.


Youko: If you can't bring yourself to forgive my rampage, then, I shall accept that hatred wholeheartedly.

Kaede: What do you plan... To do now?

Youko: I will travel to another dimension, and perhaps think about life carefully.

Kaede: I don't hate you... However, you killed my companion.

Youko: Beretta... Huh?

She looks over to Yamabuki who's still staring at her with such vengeful eyes.

Youko: I understand the reason behind your emotions. However, I don't regret what I did.

The past would not have been freed, if Sen wasn't killed. The hatred, born from their past has grown tremendously, that she can't allow herself to forgive him so easily. After all, many people of Seki village suffered, because of his actions.

Yamabuki: ...

Youko: Before I leave, I'd like to leave a message.

She walked up to Kazuki

He was still groggy and confused.

Youko: I'm gonna borrow your Kamuy, Kazuki.

She then picked up the Kamuy beside him, and unsheathed it, revealing a reflection from the blade. And in that reflection was the glowing eyes, of Ame no Habakiri.

Youko: Homura,


Through telepathy Homura communicated with the consciousness of Kami No Myojo inside Youko.

Homura: For centuries, I haven't seen you, Hoshiko.

Hoshiko: I could say the same, Homura.

Homura: That aside, why do you want to speak with me?

Hoshiko: Strengthen yourself, Homura.

Homura: Is that an order, or a warning?

Hoshiko: Both. It may seem ironic to receive an order from someone younger and weaker than you, however, take this seriously as I speak as a vessel of a once Kakurasu pillar.

Homura: So, what is it?

Hoshiko: I'm well aware that you know whom you're up against. The Raiden of destruction, a God who won against countless war singlehandedly.

Homura: I've heard of her.

Hoshiko: Be careful, and be wary, especially of Kaori Tokukashi. She is the same as me.

Homura: A human made... God?

Hoshiko: Indeed.

Homura: It is rather troublesome.

Hoshiko: Years ago, before Kakurasu stands with the leadership of Shiouru and the other pillars, it stands with another set of leaders, known as the 5 ninja gods. That organization was made to come after the heavenly Goddess who banished them from the heavenly realm.

Homura: I do remember such tragedies.

Hoshiko: And, you're one of those Goddess. The reason they aimed to Ressurect your counterpart, Raiden Kuragari, was to act as a "counter-measure." From the way they see it, if the Heavenly weapon vessels such as Akari and Kazuki managed to reach a level similar to celestial power, that could mean trouble for them. Moreover, this could make conquering the whole universe easier for them.

Homura: And that is because, we could use them as a complete vessel to reincarnate ourselves?

Hoshiko: Correct. The law within this universe states that the vessel must be the same level as its heavenly Counterpart for it to fully gain its God's powers.

Homura: Then, tell me, why did they spare these kid's life all this time?

Hoshiko: To mock and taunt all of you. The decision for these kids was either to crumble down and kill themselves due to the immense pressure from them, or submit to the Kakurasu completely. However, seeing that no decision between the two was made, and the time for their goals to be achieved was getting closer, they couldn't afford to keep taunting around. That would explain the death of Myu Momochi, and the annihilation of both villages.

Homura: In simplier terms, they aren't playing around now.

Hoshiko: Well, our time has come to an end. I do wish you good luck for you future endeavors, both you and your weapon vessel.

Homura: One last thing. Will you not aid humanity with their battles against Kakurasu?

Hoshiko: This reality does not directly concern me. I have more settlements to fulfill within my other dimensions. However, I will leave the decision to my incarnation.

Homura: Is that so? Well then,


The glowing eyes disappeared from the blade.

Youko proceeds to put it down beside Kazuki.

Youko: May good fortune come with your endeavors.

With those parting words, Youko left, and disappeared.

The incident left the Mizaki High in shambles, and in great disrepair. After a while, the executives arrived, and to their dismay, they saw the corpse of the Japanese Branch MEA leader, Sen.

And concluding the incident, the MEA now, crumbles down.

Although disconnected, the Ninjas from Japan still stand, with the common goal to save humanity from the grasps of Kakurasu, and bearing the weight of these responsibilities, is none other than the ninja-seeking club.

Now, with the death of Sen, and Beretta, the position for leadership within the MEA remains open. The question is,


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