Black Mud Swamp

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Many a yawn escaped Tristitia's lips, her thoughts were still clouded after last week's prom night event that could have ended in horror. She knew witches, at least The Trix were cruel people of magic. What she failed to wrap her head around was why. Secretly, she wished they could band together, it was a dream her mother always had after all.

Some would swear the princess cried tears of blood that day, as her brother held her back. "As I was saying, today's exorcise will be rather difficult." Professor Palladium declared, one afternoon. Shaking her head, Tristitia focused on the class.

They were all gathered in Black Mud Swamp, dressed in similar button shirts and khaki shorts. Tristitia preferred hers a little to her knees, wearing a blue shirt under her top and a glove on her left hand, along with dark brown boots.

"Professor Palladium, a mosquito bit me." A girl cried.

Several snickered and laughed. Tristitia resists rolling her eyes, finding a sudden impatience forming. "Of course, you're in a swamp." She muttered, wincing when Musa nudged her side.

"Yes, well, you are in a swamp, no big deal." Palladium made an attempt to bring calm.

"But, look where it bit me." She drew up her shorts an inch.

The poor professor's eyes widen as a blush crept barely underneath his nose. "O-Oh my, well, what I meant to say was to be shorts...short! To the point..." the girls shrieked with laughter, minus Tristitia, Stella and Bloom.

"Poor professor, they shouldn't give him such a hard time." Bloom pointed out.

"My sentiments exactly." Tristitia nodded.

Palladium cleared his throat, straightening his posture. "A good fairy must be able to listen, to what nature tells us. Today's exercise is designed to put your skills to their test. You have all been put into groups, so let us begin.

Remember! Listen carefully."

He was gone in an instant. While the other Winx members grimaced or shuddered, Tristitia walked through as it did not bother her. As a little girl, she remembered playing in mud and dirt, resulting in many a scrub down from her nurses. She liked to be dirty, as did Virtus.

"This place is...ew! Disgusting!" Stella's whining promptly began, to her amusement looking over her shoulder with a grin.

"C'mon Stella, it's not that bad. You take mud baths, right?"

Stella's right eye twitched. "Not. The same thing, Tris. Ah, I think something's in my boot, get it out quick!"

Tecna sighed, closing her eyes in frustration. "Just take off your boot, Stella. I'm sure it's harmless."

"No, no, I swear it's all slimy and...wait. I think it is mud. Even worse!"

Musa snickered behind her hand, whispering to Tristitia. "And, how did you survive with her all those years?"

Tristitia chuckled. "You merely get used to her, trust me."

Tecna raised her hand. "We're supposed to focus on our assignment now, I'll take care of it-." She made ready to use her magic, when Bloom grabbed her arm.

"No, Tecna! We're not supposed to use our magic, remember? Palladium says we have to use our senses." Bloom declared. "Now, what do we all smell?"

Tristitia cupped a hand under her chin in thought. Her nose scrunched. "It smells ogre, passing gas." Tecna hands her a disapproving stare. She frowned in return. "What? It does, it's not pleasant."

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