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Special treat for you guys, the photo is Cato's outfit for the Party...

//Cato's POV\\

I looked around the ballroom, as Jamesin and Talia ran around my legs laughing happily, trying to look for Ash when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and find Hazel in a bright pink dress too tight for her body. I cringe in my mind but put on my best player's smile and looked at Hazel. She seemed to love the attention so she grabbed Jamesin's head and pushed him aside before stepping closer to me. "Hey, Cato.... What are you looking for?" I look down the see Talia glaring at me while Jamesin glared at Hazel. I gulp and looked at Hazel before smiling again and started to tell her a lie. "Just checking if the people from the Capitol are here yet." She nods before putting a hand on my shoulder and start to look at me in a flirting way. She started to lean forward to try and kiss me when Jamesin suddenly kicked Hazel's leg harshly before running off with Talia.

I try my hardest not to laugh as Hazel threw a fit complaining about her leg and how the bruise will effect her "Perfect tan". She turns to me and I smile to her once again before she huffs and walks off slightly limping making me laugh lightly enough where she couldn't hear me. I shake my head while smiling and turned my head to see the cake Ash was working on come through the door. I smile and start to head in the direction I saw the cake when I was blocked by a group of girls I went to the academy with. I look at them and smile before trying to go around them when they started to talk to me while circling me.

My smile faltered a little but kept my act up not wanting anyone from the academy to see my real side. All they need to see is the Cato that won the 71st Hunger Games and nothing more. I was trapped and didn't know what to do until I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to see my father standing there. "Alright ladies, leave the birthday boy alone." some complained but left me alone with my father. I turned and gave him a gratifying smile before I took off towards the table with the cake. As I approached it I saw Ash was gone, confusing me greatly on where she could be now. I sigh and turn to the cake seeing she finished it perfectly. I smile before taking off into the crowd to try and see if I could find Ash among the mass crowd of people, that I only know about half of. As I looked around I ran into my mother to see her looking for someone too.

"Oh, Cato! Have you seen your sister and brother? Your father and I want to cut the cake and we need you, your sister, your brother,... And also the cake designer if he's here..." "Uh, mom... It's if she's here." I looked at my mother to see an unidentifiable expression go through her eyes before she smiled (faking it obviously) and patted my shoulder before telling me to find Talia, Jamesin, and Ash for the cake cutting. I nod and take off once again looking for Ash but also for my little siblings.

After a few minutes of looking and shouting for my siblings, I was losing hope, when I passed the doors going out to the balcony and saw a very beautiful girl standing by the railing with two children with her. I blink and look once again to realize it's Ash, Talia, and Jamesin. "Ash, Talia, Jamesin?" Ash turned around and I swear my heart stopped. I continued to stare at her as she put Jamesin down then brought Talia down from the railing she looked at me innocently, "Yes?" I then realized I was staring so I shook my head and walked forward towards the three and picked up Jamesin, "My parents want to cut the cake now so they want your help." I saw Ash nod before I turned still carrying Jamesin and started to lead her to the cake table where my parents were standing.

As we approached I put Jamesin down and made room for Ash to walk beside me when she let go of Talia's hand and went to stand in front of my parents... I saw her give them a polite greeting and bow when my mother seemed to have a disapproving look in her eyes. I knew that Ash's father was a worker for my father and that when I was younger a woman would come to the house to fix my mother's outfits and I remember my mother never liking her. Could that woman be Ash's mother? I haven't seen her around since last year just before the games right before I was chosen to go into the games at the reaping. I wonder what happened to her, maybe she quit? I glared at my mother anyways with how rude and inconsiderate she is being to Ash for no apparent reason. I caught Ash looking at me so I turned to her and smiled before taking Talia and Jamesin's hand walking over to my parents having them stand by my mother as I stood by my father who took a mic from a man standing below us in front of the stage.

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