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/Ash's POV\

It was snowing...

The first thing that registered in my mind was the fact that it was starting to snow. I look up into the sky taking in the feeling of the snowflakes hitting my skin. This small bit of comfort from nature woke my senses and that was when I heard the hum of the hovercraft approaching. I look to my right and see it slowly descending. I start to walk towards the street, thinking that there are only four tributes left in the Games. Once across the street in the lobby of another building I look to where I was before, watching as Selv's lifeless body is hauled into the hovercraft. Once the hovercraft disappears I sigh and continue my way down the street following after the group that passed earlier.

Please let me get out of here alive! I think as I calmly walk ahead. It has been a while since I started walking, and I seem to be heading for the sea. The sound of water rushes into my ear, and I sigh deeply calming my racing mind as I look at my surroundings. All is quiet and nothing seems out of place as I come to a stop at a small café by the motionless sea. It seems frozen as I approach the broad walk and look out to the white ice stretching as far as the eye could see. If only it were real... I could just walk on this ice and get away from all of this. I sigh a little disappointed before turning around to start walking back, when I notice a movement on my left approaching. Grasping my bow a little tighter, I slow down my pace, wanting to get a closer look at who was following me. Whoever it was, was going in step with me... I didn't like it...

This person was striding with me in a way that could only suggest they were waiting for a weak moment to strike. Maybe if I fake a weak spot I could get them down in their weak spot. I was too busy forming a plan in my head I didn't notice the person coming up behind me. Oblivious I kept walking, until I heard a shuffle behind me. Moving as fast as I could I drew an arrow from the quiver and readied the bow, before turning to my stalker. What shocked me was the little girl from District 4. I keep the bow set as we stare at each other, but it was clear that she was scared. I was scared too... I didn't know what to do in this situation. As I straightened out my posture I never lowered the bow and she never loosened her grip on the spear. I calmly took a step forward only for her to take a step back, "Who sent you?" though my voice was calm, the girl still trembled and looked ready to strike.

I sighed and took another step forward, "Just tell me who sent you." The girl's silent demeanor was fading, I look around behind the girl to see if someone else was with her, "They said if I killed you... it would be less painful for me..." I nod and continue to look around, "That's fine and dandy, but who sent you? Who are the other two tributes left?" the girl shakes her head quickly before raising the spear again. Tensing, I aimed the arrow for her heart. We continue to stare at one another when the girl speaks up again, "I can't tell you.... I already told you too much... I was just supposed to kill you and leave." Once again I nod, not relaxing my grip on the bow string even though it was starting to dig painfully into my fingers. I take a step forward, she takes a step back.

This draw we have going on persist until I finally make a move, "Just go back." The little girl shakes her head before shouting at me, "Just die so I can go home!" in a split second the girl threw the spear and I released the arrow. The sound of someone getting hit resonates among the street as we continue to stare at one another. I watch silently as the girl falls to her knees, the arrow protruding from the chest. It was silent and calm. The snow was still falling and the temperature was still falling, "Thank you." It was so soft I almost didn't hear it as the girl smiled softly and fell onto her back. I get the bow ready before taking a step forward to check the girl, when I hear something coming behind me. I turn just when something runs into me and I am no longer on my feet. With the wind knocked out of me I don't realize that I'm heading to the sea at an alarming rate.

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