Individual session

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//Ash's POV\\

Training for these past few days has been exhausting, but I've been pulling through. With what happened the first day of training I have been somewhat avoiding any of the weapons stations and obstacles and have been going to the survival stations instead. Zaith has also been avoiding me most of the time, that was until today. This morning was the weirdest for the fact that Zaith use to stare at me like I was a complete stranger, an alien, but now, it's different. He stares at me like i'm a trophy, he has this.... protective.... stare that creeps me out now. Cato seems to be avoiding me as well, and that confuses me, but I don't question it. Today I have my idividual session for my training but I don't know what to do for it. Should I use a sword? Bow and arrow? Hand to hand combat? Yesterday Cato said to just use the weapon I am most familiar with. That really helps my situation since I went to the Academy and we specialized in all weapons used in the games. I think i'll go for the swords since I seem good in that and Cato helped my technic a bit yesterday after I came back from the training room.

Since the night that I decided to trust Cato, I have been more and more weary of going into the games, and leaving him behind. Though I have not exactly forgiven him for Elis's death, but i'm starting to warm up to him always being by my side. This is too much to be honest, with the games being only a few days away, and the non existent wedding that me and Cato will never have... maybe... my mother always told me when I was younger that if I got picked for the games I would fight until the very end for those that I care about the most. Among the list includes the three people within my family, now six people if you count Jamison, Talia, and Cato. Whatever happens in the games they will all be in my thoughts, even if I die, they will die with my thoughts and memories.

I sigh as I leave my warm bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for the individual training session. Once I finish my shower, I put on my training outfit and head to the dining room where everyone was already seated at. I take a glance at Cato, who sat at the end of the table between Mattiu and Violetta. I push that out of my mind and sit beside Lyme who sends me a warm smile before continuing eating her breakfast. I look down at my plate full of eggs and bacon along with toast, before I pick up a fruit from the middle of the table and head back to my room to be alone and think. As I get close to my room I hear footsteps right behind me, causing me to turn and expect Cato, but I was surprised to see Ziath walk up to me. "Yes?" I spoke softly in fear of why he would follow me to me room. Before I could ask another question, he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into my room, where he shut and locked the door, before pining me to the wall beside the door. "Your little boy-toy may try and persuade me to protect you in the games but you can bet my ass that I will play him along until the end of the games where I will slowly kill you to show him where he stands on my list. So don't get any ideas, you understand me? Cato may be your fiancé and the Victor of the 71st Hunger Games but he is on my kill list so don't expect any mercy when I come for you... watch your back Ms. Evalin, you will be your own downfall..."

He gave my neck one more squeeze before letting me go and watching me gasp for air. I look up at him with a hated glare as he smirked and left my room like nothing happened. I sat on the floor, contemplating what to do next, when I heard a knock on my door, as Lyme's voice flooded through the door telling me I had to head down to the training room. I tell her I would be out in a minute before I stood up and went to the bathroom where I threw up and worried about about what Ziath said earlier. I looked into the mirror one last time, before taking a deep breathe and walking toward the elevator. As I got closer to it, I saw Cato waiting for me by the doors and it seemed to lift my mood a little bit before I have to do my individual training session. I walked up to Cato and smiled before getting into the elevator that just arrived, and listened as he stepped onto the elevator himself. As we went down I felt him take my hand in his and give a reassuring squeeze but still didn't talk to me or even look at me, but I was happy enough with him holding my hand. To be honest if someone told me that I would come to warm up to Cato and actually think of forgiving him for his actions I would think of them as crazy.

Selected Future (Hunger games-Cato love story-AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें