Misunderstandings/Dinner with Family

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//Cato's POV//

It's been four days... Four days since Ash was released from the hospital and our father's moved her in with me at the victor's village... Three days since Ash has been gone for most of the day for some odd reason... Two days since Ash went back to work... And one day since I have been at home trying to figure where Ash has been going for the past few days that she's not telling me anything about it. I try to follow her to see where she goes but I always lose track of her or she always ends up at the bakery. Whenever I question her about it she just says her boss put her on double shifts for the time she wasn't there to work. I sigh and look at the cup of tea sitting in front of me that I have not touched since I made it. I jump slightly when I hear my front door slam shut, to reveal my father standing in the doorway with Jamesin in his arm. "Dad... What are you doing here?" He chuckled and set Jamesin down before walking into the living room and sitting down. "Just came to talk with you about a few things..." I nod and lead Jamesin to the living room with me before sitting down across from my dad. "About what?" I look at him to see his gaze was looking every where but me. "Just that the Reaping is in four days and you don't know who you'll be mentoring this year." I nod and look at Jamesin as he was staring out the window into the backyard. "I know I don't know who they are, but the mayor said they will reveal themselves at the Reaping, so I'll know who they are when the Reaping comes." My father nods and stands up walking towards the front door.

"I also came to tell you that you will be watching over Jamesin today while your sister is at school alright?" I nod and stand up as well. I walk to the front door and watched as my dad open the door and stepped onto the porch, "Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention..." I look at him as he turns to leave but stops at the bottom steps to look back up at me. "I saw Ash earlier walk into the Academy with one of the trainers.... I just thought I'd let you know." I nod and thank him before he turns and leaves. I walk back into the house and close the door then shout Jamesin's name to see him run into the hallway from the living room. "Hey bud... What do you feel like doing today?" He scrunched up his face in a cute matter before smiling and look at me innocently, "I wanna color!" I smile and laugh before picking him up and walk into the kitchen once again. I seat Jamesin in one of the stools before taking my cup of tea and drained it into the sink and put it with the dirty dishes. I sigh and turn to my little brother looking at him giggling at me for no reason. "Did you eat lunch yet Jamesin?" He shook his head and I smiled and nodded before going to the refrigerator and taking two apples out of it. I grab a knife and a cutting board before slicing Jamesin's apple and serving it to him. I sit beside him and eat my apple as I watch him pick one slice up and look at it before smiling and eat it happily. I love my little brother more than anyone in my family.

He is just someone that can calm me down by just being in the room with me. The only other one that can do that would be Ash and that is what surprises me the most. I know I have seen her in the academy a few times even though I graduated a year before her, but I just knew she had something unique and special about her. During the games I would talk to Elis and she would tell me everything about Ash from pretty funny to really sad stories they each shared together. Just listening to her talk about Ash made me want to know her too and to be able to make memories with someone who was unique as Ash. I sigh and shake my head before standing up and throw my apple core into the trash. I turn back to Jamesin to see him looking at me with a big smile and a slightly crushed apple slice in his hand. I chuckle and clean up Jamesin and his mess as I hear the door open and close once again making me curious as to who it could be.

I set Jamesin back on the ground and look through the doors trying to look for a clean towel when I hear Jamesin run off into the hallway. When I finally found the towel I turned around to hear Jamesin shout out causing me to run into the hallway to see him laughing with Ash at the doorway. "Ash..." I see her still smiling but she looked at me and for a minute I thought I saw a glimpse of worry and guilt but it was gone in a flash. "Cato... hey..." she set Jamesin down who was still giggling. I wiped the shocked look from my face and walked towards her until I was standing right in front of her and Jamesin. "What are you doing home so early?" She looked away from me to Jamesin who was clinging to her right leg as she stuttered to me her response. "Oh... uh... y-you know... Just got ... o-off work, since you know the boss said I-I was still ou-out of it so he's cutting my hours short until after the Reaping.... So yeah..." I look at her skeptical at what she told me until she smiles at me reassuringly as she picks Jamesin up and takes him back to the kitchen. I walk in after them to see her taking a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water while Jamesin was looking at a trinket from Ash's bag. As she looks up at Jamesin her eyes widen and she reaches forward taking the trinket from Jamesin's hand roughly, cutting her hand in the process and spilling her glass of water along the way. I hear her scream in pain as she drops the trinket in the sink and holds her injured hand to her chest, while Jamesin looks sad and carefully climbs off the chair rushing to Ash's side. I rush over too taking her hand in mine and looking at the damage to see she made a cut right under her thumb and in the middle of her palm causing it to produce a great deal of blood. I sigh and run the water before sticking her hand under it making her shout once again in pain. I tell her to leave her hand under the water as I ran upstairs into my room then into my bathroom grabbing the first-aid kit from the cabinet.

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