
When i got to the house. I hopped out and rushed to the door.  I heard yelling so i rushed to the room.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE RAN AWAY???" My dad yelled

"Why are you yelling?" My mom said

"First of all. My sister would never ever run away. If she did it would be with her girlfriend out of rebellion but her girlfriend is here....so that's out of the question." I stepped in and said

"What happened to my daughter??" My father asked

"She's safe and fine" my mom said

"Where is she???" I asked i looked over on my moms dresser "HER PHONE IS RIGHT THERE"i yelled going over to get the phone

"Don't raise your voice at m-"

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER" my father yelled

"....... She's at the boo hills concentration camp. She's fine just learning her lesson"she said

"You took my sister to a camp?!!?"

My dad took a deep breath and walked towards my mom.

"I want you out of here by time i get back with MY daughter." He said

He grabbed his keys and we walked out the house.

"Im going too" i told him

He wasn't really speaking. He was fired up i could tell.

Jayce, MiMi

So we know where
jakai is. My mother
sent her to a camp but me
and my dad are going
to get her now

Wow. So who is
she going to be staying
with? I have a room.

Thank you Lelani.
She is more than welcome
to stay here.

I did not want to tell all my family business with my dad kicking my mom out and stuff, id rather Jakai tell them.

Jayce POV

I was at home on the phone with MiMi discussing everything.

"That shit not right, i bet not come across that lady ever. Matter of fact i got sum fa her" i said

"I never thought I'd be the calm one in a situation but i guess i am so i am telling you not to do anything you will regret. Because you know Jakai will forgive any and everybody. And her forgiving her mom and you not will put a strain in yall relationship" MiMi told me

"Im hearing what you sayin right now. But it's goin in one ear and out the other. Try again when Jakai is with me and safe"

"Damn you just like me...aint no calmin down until you get what you want"

"Exactly and what i need is Jakai to be ok" i said

Closeted: A lesbian storyWhere stories live. Discover now