Chapter 10

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Harry was nervous for his first day of school. Sure he knew the teachers already, perks of being a teacher's kid, but quite frankly he understood why his parents wanted the headmaster gone. He had tried too many times to get Harry back to the Dursleys, or in other people's care. Not to mention he always made a fuss about his Mom coming home to visit them. Luckily his parents weren't making him ride the train. He hated big crowds, and everyone stared. It had been huge news in the Wizarding World when it was told that the Malfoy's adopted him. Harry honestly didn't understand the big deal. They had never used him or anything. In fact he loved his family, and they even got him such nice things, even though he wasn't their real kid. Pansy reminded him of that all the time. He hated pansy, but Blaise and Theo were pretty nice. He didn't much care for Crabbe and Goyle, but they were helpful when anybody bullied or was rude to Harry.

He looked up when Tom came in to see if he was ready. Harry had his robes on and was ready to floo to his parents quarters. Lucius had taken up a job this year as well. He was teaching a course to muggle raised wizards about wizarding traditions and such. It was a class you took up through your 7th year, each year focusing on different topics that muggle raised wizard might not know about the wizarding world. He had gotten approved through the ministry, and even though Dumbledore wasn't happy about it, he had allowed it. "I'll go get Draco." he said softly to his dad and made his way to Dracos room. He knocked on the door "Hey, it is time to go Dray. Hurry up." he said with a smile, and giggled when Draco opened the door. "You are really going to wear your hair like that?" he teased

"Oh shut up! Mom said it looked nice, and besides at least my hair doesn't poof out everywhere all the time. You look like you just woke up." he said with a smirk and shoved Harry slightly.

Harry giggled at that and the boys made their way downstairs. Once they got downstairs they said goodbye to Tom, since he couldn't come, and they flooed into Lucius and Severus quarters. They made their way to the great hall, and Harry and Draco waited for the first years to arrive so they could be sorted. Harry was nervous to be sorted, but his parents told him that no matter where he went, they would still be proud of him. Harry watched as the first years piled in, and he and Draco went to join them.

Harry was standing there, minding his business when he felt a nudge on his shoulder. He knew it wasn't Draco, because Draco never nudged him that hard. He turned with an annoyed look on his face to see a boy with red hair. "What?" He asked softly, but still sounded angry.

"Your Harry Potter!" The boy said softly, but sounded amazed. Harry had no clue how the boy had come to this conclusion, but then realized his scar must have been showing.

Harry frowned at the kid "it's Malfoy, and please leave me alone, I am trying to watch." he said rather harshly. He grabbed Draco's arm softly, and moved them away from the rather rude boy. After they had moved, Draco's name had been called. He watched his brother walk up to the sorting hat, and before it could barely even touch his head, it shouted out Slytherin. Harry looked up at the teachers table, and saw his mom and dad smiling as they clapped. He gulped slightly as his name was called out next. He slowly made his way up to the stool and sat down. He took a deep breath as the hat was placed on his head. It felt like centuries before the hat called out Slytherin. Harry let out a big breath as he looked back at his parents, both smiling and clapped for him as well. He made his way over to his house table, and sat next to Draco, smiling as others in his house congratulated him.

The rest of the sorting went on, and thankfully that red headed boy wasn't sorted into their house. Dumbledore gave a speech after all was said and done, which Harry didn't listen to and the feast began. As Harry gathered food on his plate and looked over at Draco. "So who exactly was that red headed boy, I didn't quite catch his name." He asked Draco

Draco scoffed slightly. "That was a Weasley. Why? Was he bothering you?" he asked sounding concerned

Harry quickly shook his head no. "He just kind of nudged and said I was Harry Potter. I corrected him and said it was Malfoy before I grabbed you arm and moved." He said to Draco

Draco nodded, not saying anything else and started eating, but was going to mention something to his parents. He didn't want Harry to be bothered by this kid. He treated Harry like a little brother, and didn't like when he was upset or sad. Harry was a shy kid, and Draco knew he hated the attention he got because of who exactly he was. They finished up their dinner with no more issues and both boys knew that they would soon be taken to the common rooms. 

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now