Chapter 18

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Lucius was pacing back and forth, today was the day he would find out if he would take office as the new Minister. Lucius had done his best campaigning for months. They had swayed a lot of people with their views, and they were hopeful. Sev and the boys were at Hogwarts, knowing they would be told in the morning of the results because Lucius wouldn't get the results until late this evening. Lucius checked his watch once again, before plopping down next to Tom with a sigh.

"This is painful. It's almost midnight and we still haven't heard anything Tom. I'm worried. I feel as though it has never taken this long for the results to come in previous elections."

Tom pulled his husband close. "Luce, just calm down. All will be well. I'm positive we have this in the bag. These past couple of months have gone over well, and the people have been siding with you. With you as Minister, I can be pardoned, and we can really work on changing the wizarding world. Getting better education at Hogwarts as well. We got Umbridge out, with you as Minister you can easily change the education plan at Hogwarts, then we can go for Dumbledore."

Lucius took a deep breath and nodded, leaning into his husband. Finally around 12:30 the floo flared to life, popping out a ministry official. Lucius stood up, eager to hear the news.

"Well? What is it? I feel I have waited long enough." He said nervously

The official smiled. "Congratulations Mr. Malfoy. You are the new Minister for Magic. I'll give you a day to tell the rest of your family and celebrate. Come Thursday morning as of 8 AM you will officially take over." The man then flooed away.

Lucius stood there in awe for a few moments before turning to Tom and kissing him deeply.

"We did it." He whispered and looked up to Tom. "W-We actually did it!" He shouted before once again hugging his husband tightly.

Tears of joy were flowing from Lucius's eyes. They could now actually make changes to the wizarding world. Make it a better place for all. That night Lucius and Tom celebrated. Soon morning came and Lucius flooed to Hogwarts, knowing his husband would be getting ready at the moment.

When Severus heard someone come through the floo in the living room he left the bedroom to see who it was. Once he saw the familiar head of long blonde hair he smiled.

"So, am I looking at the new Minister for magic?" He asked with a smile

Lucius nodded before going to hug his husband. "Thursday morning at 8 AM I will officially take over as Minister for Magic." He said with a smile. "As much as I would love to stay and tell our boys, I'm not sure Dumbles would want me in the castle. I imagine he is pretty angry at the moment."

Sev hugged his husband back and kissed him with a smile. "Go on love, I'll tell the boys. We are all so proud of you Lucius." He said with a smile.

Soon Thursday rolled around and Lucius showed up at the Ministry in his best robes. He was officially sworn in as Minister for Magic and his duties started. For the first few months Lucius didn't do anything drastic. Tom told him to play it slow. Not show all his cards at once, so that it was he did. He changed some little things, but did nothing too big that would get him noticed. Soon though it was time for a big change. It was just before Hogwarts Christmas holidays. December 22nd, 1991 was the day that creature laws were lifted and new ones were put in place for people affected by Lycanthropy

The Lycanthropy Act of 1991

All of those affected by Lycanthropy do need to be registered through the Ministry. The Ministry would like an official number of those affected by Lycanthropy, and will assist with getting any of those affected more suitable housing, as well as a job if they so desire. Also, people affected by Lycanthropy will now be able to get jobs. Employers will allow you time off during full moons. A week before the full moon to prepare, and a week after so you may recover. If more time is needed, employers have to abide by that. You cannot and will not lose your job for taking the time you need to prepare for and recover from the full moon.

Lucius himself was there to help anyone register the day of the 22nd. He smiled at the sight of a very proud and happy Remus Lupin being the first to register. Pictures were taken from the profit and published that evening. The next day there were significantly more people there to register at the ministry, and Lucius was happy that so far, nothing had backfired. Everyone seemed to be taking the new act he had put in place well.

Lucius smiled as he went home that evening. It was just starting to snow when he had looked out his window. He was very much ready to spend time with his boys. He would be taking off from the ministry and not returning until January the 5th. If there was a pressing emergency then he would return, but otherwise he would be handling things at home so he could spend Christmas break with his boys.

Harry and Draco were in the kitchen with Sev, helping bake cookies when they heard Lucius floo home. Each boy ran over to the man, giving him a hug.

"Papa we are making cookies!" Harry said, sound rather excited.

Lucius smiled "Well I am sure they will go nicely after our supper this evening. Let me go get changed, and we can play Gobstones before dinner, and let mom put these cookies in the oven."

Both boys nodded before going to the living room, Draco getting out the Gobstone set so they could play. Lucius was surprisingly good at Gobstones, so typically Harry and Draco would play on a team together. They would pull off some wins on occasions, but Lucius was just so good.

Lucius chuckled as he watched his boys go off, giving Sev a kiss on the cheek before going to change into something more comfortable. Once he got changed he made his way into the study, knowing Tom would be there. He smiled when he saw his husband looking over some papers, clearly working to see what exactly their plans were next for the Ministry. The next big thing Lucius would do is pardoning Tom. They would wait till the end of the school year, so Sev wouldn't be questioned by Dumbledore. He walked over to his husband and kissed his cheek.
"Working hard I see", he said with a smile. "I just wanted you to know that the new act I put in place seems to be going over well. I believe we have registered a little over 500 people affected by lycanthropy. I don't think the population of them were very big in the first place. I'm going to call this one a success."

Tom nodded. "I think so too that this is a success. You're doing a wonderful job Lucius. Now, go spend some time with the boys, they miss their papa." He said with a smile.

Lucius gave Tom another kiss before making his way downstairs, seeing his boys already the Gobstones set up on the floor. He sat down and smirked.

"Are you ready gentlemen?" He teased

Draco and Harry both nodded. "Yeah papa, we are going to win this time!" Harry said with a smile, while Draco nodded along enthusiastically.

As it turned out the boys just barely managed to win. Soon after they cleaned up everybody sat down for dinner, all having a good time. Everything went smoothly that evening, and once the boys were in bed Lucius insisted on giving Severus a bubble bath, wanting to spoil his lover, as he felt he had been neglecting him a bit. Needless to say that went over well, ending in a nice little surprise.

Christmas Eve was spent with the boys playing outside for a decent amount of the morning, coming in to warm up with some hot chocolate. Soon after they started on the homework that had been assigned over the holidays. That evening they all sat down to a nice Christmas dinner and afterwards Harry and Draco were allowed to open one present. Both boys got a new pair of pajamas. Draco's were a soft green collar and Harry's were a more emerald green.

Christmas day was spent in pajamas for everyone. Both boys were extremely excited to open the presents they got. They got new robes, books, treats, a potions kit (fully Severus's idea), and each boy got a new broom as well. They were very thankful for their gifts and spent the morning playing. All too soon the holidays had come to an end, the boys were back to school, and Lucious was back to the Ministry. Life for the most part went back to normal. Lucius laid low at the Ministry changing a few things here and there, wanting to get settled back in before pardoning Tom. That was a very big thing, and it was coming, whether people wanted it or not. If they wanted to make progress at Hogwarts, Tom needed that pardon. 

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now